2394425147 / astrodx

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A stricter condition of triggering the pause button is needed. #90

Open FYNIXqwq opened 2 months ago

FYNIXqwq commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Feature suggestion: My problem is that the pause button is to easy to trigger when playing some hard charts(from lv.14 to 15) even if I have set doubleclicking or long pressing to trigger the pause button. For instance, if there is a tricky smalljack or randa(乱打 in Japanese) flying all over, my hand is very likely to doubleclick the pause button and trigger the pause menu.

Bug report: By the way, there is another serious problem that after triggering the pause menu and resume the game, there would be 2 bad situations in iPad OS. The one is chart is going to mismatch the music(±hundreds of milliseconds of delay), and the other is that the music is going to continue, but the chart is completely disappeared.

Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Enabling players to customize the conditions of triggering the pause menu. For instance, player must press the pause button for whole x seconds, where x is customizable from 0.1 to 10. For double-/multi-clicking, player have to click x times within y seconds on pause button, where x and y are customizable(x ranging from 2 to 20, y ranging from 0.1 to 2). Another solution is that player can set 2 pause buttons and must press both of them for x seconds (customizable).

Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

DavidScann commented 2 months ago

I'm going to slowly address this issue, I figure.

  1. Regarding pause button resistance, I think that you are very much an edge case regarding this issue. Even so, I think it should still be accommodated (maybe a hidden variable inside of settings.json?)
  2. The audio file delay is a known issue, and has already been fixed in the next update, just not released yet
  3. The proposed solution of having two pause buttons is weird and seems like it wouldn't be too effective. IDK, might just be me.
FYNIXqwq commented 2 months ago

Your description of this situation as edge case is somewhat correct. It only happens in hard charts and the parts that require large displacements and frequent tappings. On the other hand, these parts are often becomes the most difficult and tricky segments, requiring the most practices. Therefore, once these edge cases happen, very serious disturbance might occur. Kindly please forgive me that these cases have been causing annoyance to me for more than a year since I am going to practice hard charts for SSS+/AP/5-star DX score and I am going to express here as an issue.

DavidScann commented 2 months ago

I meant edge case as in I've honestly never encountered an issue with this, possibly because you play on a smaller device like a phone instead of a tablet?

The other thing I forgot to mention is that you can temporarily work around the pause audio issue by reencoding the .mp3 files located in the song directories into OGG Vorbis. AstroDX has a much better time handling these files, and will remediate the pause issue with no problems. You'll have to research yourself on how to do that though, or utilise the script I've posted in the pinned section of #general in the Discord server.

Good luck!

FYNIXqwq commented 2 months ago

I play it on a tablet. However, I maximize the game window (the circle playing the chart) by shrinking the distance between the game window and the border of the device. Therefore it makes pause button nearer to the gameplay.

2394425147 commented 2 months ago

We've decreased the trigger interval in the coming update from 0.5s to 0.3s, this should help!

FYNIXqwq commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry to inform that 300ms is still a very wide timing window compared with common 160BPM 1/16 minijack or randa. Therefore the help of a slight decrement of trigger interval is very limited.

Soneoylys commented 2 months ago

Personally I never trigger the pause button accidentally, but it's worth to take a look with. I'll discuss with developer team again about it, but it won't be in next version as it's is already nearly done.