2394425147 / astrodx

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File initialization exception #97

Closed NK1Gone closed 1 month ago

NK1Gone commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Xiaomi HyperOS AstroDX initialization files in a directory path for/Android/obb/com. Reflektone. AstroDX, not in/Android/data/com Reflektone AstroDX, lead to can't normal import pavement

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1.Shizuku authorized mt file manager root could not find the file directory

Expected behavior Let Xiaomi HyperOS can be imported into the pavement normally after root

Screenshots Screenshot_2024-05-07-16-00-39-953_com Reflektone AstroDX


Device specs

Additional context Only hyperos devices are affected. MIUI systems are not affected

DavidScann commented 1 month ago

If you have Shizuku initialised and know how to use rish (or otherwise have access to ADB) can you run this command for me?

ls -alsh /sdcard/Android/data/com.Reflektone.AstroDX

This issue has been observed by several people before, everyone having the same symptom of the AstroDX directory appearing in obb instead. The directory should exist, it just doesn't appear in file managers somehow.

NK1Gone commented 1 month ago

OMG,The hidden directory can be displayed through the command, but any file manager can not display the page, I need to test whether the import shop through the command can play normally. ![Uploading Screenshot_2024-05-09-11-42-27-612_bin.mt.plus-edit.jpg…]()

NK1Gone commented 1 month ago

This can be solved by using the rish shell command to copy into the levels folder. Screenshot_2024-05-09-13-53-43-602_bin mt plus-edit Screenshot_2024-05-09-13-32-02-503_com Reflektone AstroDX

DavidScann commented 1 month ago

Yep, this is an Android bug alright.

If you feel that this issue has been resolved, please close the issue.