23andMe / yhaplo

Identifying Y-chromosome haplogroups in arbitrarily large samples of sequenced or genotyped men
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BT-M42 calls in some samples #37

Open jaurbanChicago opened 1 month ago

jaurbanChicago commented 1 month ago


I am observing that Yhaplo is saying that I have some samples with BT-M42. If I understand correctly, this is a pretty big haplogroup, so is there any reason why it's telling me than? Is the program failing to narrow it down?

Thanks in advance!!

dpoznik commented 1 month ago

Yes, BT is about as broad as it gets (see page 5 of the manuscript) and unlikely to be the right call. If you run with the --all_aux_output option, Yhaplo will generate a bunch of supplementary files indicating that paths it took and which alleles it observed in the ancestral and derived states along those paths. These files should shed some light. See the manual for details on how to interpret them.

A couple things worth checking:

I hope that helps.