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[Reflection]Jira Ticket Integration in Meeting Minutes #58

Open wwssllxxGithub opened 1 week ago

wwssllxxGithub commented 1 week ago


During the recent audit, it was noted that tickets lacked progress updates and action items were not consistently tied to Jira tickets in the meeting minutes. Additionally, some action items from earlier weeks were still not marked as completed, raising concerns about how these tasks will be tracked and ensuring nothing is forgotten.


Added Jira Ticket Links: We have updated the meeting minutes to include links to Jira tickets in the task table. This will help track the progress of action items more effectively.

Ensured Action Items Tracking: We will ensure all action items are marked as completed in Jira once they are done. We will also review and update any outstanding items from previous weeks to reflect their current status.


The task table in the meeting minutes now includes Jira ticket links.