24ark / react-native-step-indicator

A simple react-native implementation of step indicator widget compatible with the ViewPager and ListView.
Apache License 2.0
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can we add custom icon at the end of complete step #101

Open ahtisham09 opened 4 years ago

abdmun8 commented 4 years ago

you can achieve it by using renderStepIndicator method here is an example <StepIndicator customStyles={customStyles} currentPosition={currentStep} labels={labels} stepCount={3} renderStepIndicator={this.renderStepText} />

and here is the method to render your icon renderStepText = ({ position, stepStatus }) { return <Icon name="search" /> }

//position is your current step position, you can check it // step status is status for your current position = finished || current || unfinished you can create condition based on it