256MbTeam / Redmine-Scrumbler

Easy to use plugin for Redmine. It allows users to use the Scrum/Agile process in projects. Scrumbler have interactive dashboard with the ability to configure for each sprint. Plugin adds Scrum Points field in every issue in project. Scrumbler as possible using the standard redmine structure of projects.
GNU General Public License v2.0
112 stars 41 forks source link

Scrum points list randomly changing after saving #67

Open zerkalica opened 12 years ago

zerkalica commented 12 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to admin/scrumbler
  2. Change List of possible values to 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, default value: 1
  3. Save
  4. Reload page
  5. List of possible values changing randomly after each page reload

After changing and saving List of possible values on admin/scrumbler this values changes randomly on each page reload. Scrum poins in each task in backlog /projects/project/scrumbler_backlogs also changes randomy after page reload


After page reload: http://i.imgur.com/EJzsY.png

xeta commented 12 years ago

I can't reproduce this bug. What is Redmine and Ruby version?

zerkalica commented 12 years ago

OS: debian squeeze Redmine: 1.3.0 installed from rvm Ruby: 1.8.7 installed from rvm

git clone git://github.com/256MbTeam/Redmine-Scrumbler.git vendor/plugins/redmine_scrumbler
rake db:migrate:plugin NAME=redmine_scrumbler
xeta commented 12 years ago

Does anyone still have this error?

zerkalica commented 12 years ago

Yes, bug still here. I try to dig redmine IssueCustomField api. May be it's not a scrubmler bug.