2697a / bujuan

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无法编译通过 #50

Open wlya opened 8 months ago

wlya commented 8 months ago

C:\proj\bujuan-2.0.5>flutter build apk --release

One or more plugins require a higher Android NDK version.
Fix this issue by adding the following to C:\proj\bujuan-2.0.5\android\app\build.gradle:
android {
  ndkVersion "25.1.8937393"

lib/pages/home/home_controller.dart:44:7: Error: The non-abstract class 'Home' is missing implementations for these members:
 - FullLifeCycleMixin.onHidden
Try to either
 - provide an implementation,
 - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
 - mark the class as abstract, or
 - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.

class Home extends SuperController with GetSingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
/C:/Users/yoo/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/get-4.6.6/lib/get_state_manager/src/simple/get_controllers.dart:126:8: Context: 'FullLifeCycleMixin.onHidden' is defined here.
  void onHidden();
lib/common/netease_api/src/encrypt_ext.dart:95:13: Error: The method 'RSAExt.encrypt' has fewer named arguments than those of overridden method 'Algorithm.encrypt'.
  Encrypted encrypt(Uint8List bytes, {IV? iv}) {
/C:/Users/yoo/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/encrypt-5.0.3/lib/src/algorithm.dart:6:13: Context: This is the overridden method ('encrypt').
  Encrypted encrypt(Uint8List bytes, {IV? iv, Uint8List? associatedData});
lib/common/netease_api/src/encrypt_ext.dart:95:13: Error: The method 'RSAExt.encrypt' doesn't have the named parameter 'associatedData' of overridden method 'Algorithm.encrypt'.
  Encrypted encrypt(Uint8List bytes, {IV? iv}) {
/C:/Users/yoo/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/encrypt-5.0.3/lib/src/algorithm.dart:6:13: Context: This is the overridden method ('encrypt').
  Encrypted encrypt(Uint8List bytes, {IV? iv, Uint8List? associatedData});
lib/common/netease_api/src/encrypt_ext.dart:108:13: Error: The method 'RSAExt.decrypt' has fewer named arguments than those of overridden method 'Algorithm.decrypt'.
  Uint8List decrypt(Encrypted encrypted, {IV? iv}) {
/C:/Users/yoo/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/encrypt-5.0.3/lib/src/algorithm.dart:9:13: Context: This is the overridden method ('decrypt').
  Uint8List decrypt(Encrypted encrypted, {IV? iv, Uint8List? associatedData});
lib/common/netease_api/src/encrypt_ext.dart:108:13: Error: The method 'RSAExt.decrypt' doesn't have the named parameter 'associatedData' of overridden method 'Algorithm.decrypt'.
  Uint8List decrypt(Encrypted encrypted, {IV? iv}) {
/C:/Users/yoo/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/encrypt-5.0.3/lib/src/algorithm.dart:9:13: Context: This is the overridden method ('decrypt').
  Uint8List decrypt(Encrypted encrypted, {IV? iv, Uint8List? associatedData});
lib/bridge_generated.dart:33:57: Error: Required named parameter 'parseErrorData' must be provided.
    return _platform.executeNormal(FlutterRustBridgeTask(
/C:/Users/yoo/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/flutter_rust_bridge-1.82.6/lib/src/basic.dart:172:9: Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match.
  const FlutterRustBridgeTask({
Target kernel_snapshot failed: Exception

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Script 'C:\apps\flutter\packages\flutter_tools\gradle\src\main\groovy\flutter.groovy' line: 1350

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileFlutterBuildRelease'.
> Process 'command 'C:\apps\flutter\bin\flutter.bat'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

Running Gradle task 'assembleRelease'...                           17.8s
Gradle task assembleRelease failed with exit code 1

wlya commented 8 months ago

建议作者补充一下自己能够编译通过的dependencies的详细版本号,和,flutter的sdk版本等环境信息。 应该是这个的问题。

2697a commented 7 months ago

我在用的是flutter 3.16.4

wlya commented 7 months ago

可以麻烦作者发一下flutter pub get命令显示的依赖列表么?


C:\proj\bujuan-2.0.5>flutter pub get
Resolving dependencies... (19.9s)
  _fe_analyzer_shared 61.0.0 (65.0.0 available)
  adaptive_dialog 1.10.1 (2.0.0 available)
  analyzer 5.13.0 (6.3.0 available)
  audio_video_progress_bar 1.0.1 (2.0.1 available)
  auto_route 5.0.4 (7.8.4 available)
  auto_route_generator 5.0.3 (7.3.2 available)
  dart_style 2.3.2 (2.3.4 available)
  encrypt 5.0.1 (5.0.3 available)
  extended_image 8.0.2 (8.2.0 available)
  extended_image_library 3.5.2 (4.0.2 available)
  ffi 2.1.0 (2.1.2 available)
  ffigen 8.0.2 (11.0.0 available)
  file 6.1.4 (7.0.0 available)
  flutter_lints 2.0.3 (3.0.1 available)
  flutter_rust_bridge 1.77.1 (1.82.6 available)
  flutter_tabler_icons 1.13.0 (1.17.0 available)
  get 4.6.5 (4.6.6 available)
  get_it 7.6.6 (7.6.7 available)
  http 0.13.6 (1.2.0 available)
  http_client_helper 2.0.4 (3.0.0 available)
  image_picker 0.8.9 (1.0.7 available)
  image_picker_for_web 2.2.0 (3.0.2 available)
  js 0.6.7 (0.7.0 available)
  lints 2.1.1 (3.0.0 available)
  lottie 2.7.0 (3.0.0 available)
  macos_ui 2.0.2 (2.0.5 available)
  matcher 0.12.16 (0.12.16+1 available)
  material_color_utilities 0.5.0 (0.8.0 available)
  meta 1.10.0 (1.11.0 available)
  package_info_plus 4.2.0 (5.0.1 available)
  path 1.8.3 (1.9.0 available)
  permission_handler 10.4.5 (11.2.0 available)
  permission_handler_android 10.3.6 (12.0.3 available)
  permission_handler_apple 9.1.4 (9.3.0 available)
  permission_handler_platform_interface 3.12.0 (4.1.0 available)
  permission_handler_windows 0.1.3 (0.2.1 available)
  petitparser 5.4.0 (6.0.2 available)
  pointycastle 3.7.3 (3.7.4 available)
  puppeteer 2.24.0 (3.6.0 available)
  rive 0.11.4 (0.12.4 available)
  rive_common 0.1.0 (0.2.9 available)
  slide_countdown 0.6.0 (1.5.0 available)
  stream_duration 3.2.1 (4.2.2 available)
  test_api 0.6.1 (0.7.0 available)
  uuid 3.0.7 (4.3.3 available)
  web 0.3.0 (0.4.2 available)
  web_socket_channel 2.4.0 (2.4.3 available)
  xml 6.3.0 (6.5.0 available)
Got dependencies!
wlya commented 6 months ago


2697a commented 6 months ago

请使用该Commits 0ac1bbb7b66337288ecb1315159ee64e0ecb05ad

wlya commented 6 months ago


/C:/Users//AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/qr-3.0.1/lib/src/qr_image.dart:17:11: Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match.
  factory QrImage(QrCode qrCode) {

比如这里,qr这个开源软件在3.0.1版本的函数参数已经变更了。这里面太多的开源软件版本有互相牵连,没有正确的版本号的话很难一个个去试出来正确的。所以麻烦作者发一下flutter pub get命令的执行结果,来体现一下可以正确编译的依赖列表么?

2697a commented 6 months ago


/C:/Users//AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/qr-3.0.1/lib/src/qr_image.dart:17:11: Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match.
  factory QrImage(QrCode qrCode) {

比如这里,qr这个开源软件在3.0.1版本的函数参数已经变更了。这里面太多的开源软件版本有互相牵连,没有正确的版本号的话很难一个个去试出来正确的。所以麻烦作者发一下flutter pub get命令的执行结果,来体现一下可以正确编译的依赖列表么?


2697a commented 6 months ago


Flutter 3.19.0 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
Framework • revision bae5e49bc2 (13 days ago) • 2024-02-13 17:46:18 -0800
Engine • revision 04817c99c9
Tools • Dart 3.3.0 • DevTools 2.31.1

> Resolving dependencies... 
  _fe_analyzer_shared 50.0.0 (67.0.0 available)
  adaptive_dialog 1.9.0-no-macos.2 (2.1.0 available)
  analyzer 5.2.0 (6.4.1 available)
  android_intent_plus 4.0.1 (4.0.3 available)
  animations 2.0.7 (2.0.11 available)
  archive 3.3.7 (3.4.10 available)
  args 2.3.2 (2.4.2 available)
  asn1lib 1.4.0 (1.5.2 available)
  audio_session 0.1.16 (0.1.18 available)
  audio_video_progress_bar 1.0.1 (2.0.1 available)
  auto_route 5.0.4 (7.8.4 available)
  auto_route_generator 5.0.3 (7.3.2 available)
  build 2.3.1 (2.4.1 available)
> build_daemon 4.0.0 (was 3.1.0) (4.0.1 available)
  build_resolvers 2.1.0 (2.4.2 available)
> build_runner 2.4.8 (was 2.3.3)
  build_runner_core 7.2.7 (7.3.0 available)
  built_value 8.4.3 (8.9.1 available)
  cached_network_image 3.3.0 (3.3.1 available)
  cached_network_image_platform_interface 3.0.0 (4.0.0 available)
  cached_network_image_web 1.1.0 (1.1.1 available)
  checked_yaml 2.0.2 (2.0.3 available)
  cli_util 0.4.0 (0.4.1 available)
  code_builder 4.4.0 (4.10.0 available)
  cookie_jar 4.0.3 (4.0.8 available)
  cross_file 0.3.3+4 (0.3.4 available)
  crypto 3.0.2 (3.0.3 available)
  csslib 0.17.2 (1.0.0 available)
  dart_style 2.2.4 (2.3.4 available)
  dio 5.2.1+1 (5.4.1 available)
  dio_cookie_manager 3.1.0 (3.1.1 available)
  encrypt 5.0.1 (5.0.3 available)
  extended_image_library 4.0.1 (4.0.2 available)
  ffi 2.0.2 (2.1.2 available)
  ffigen 8.0.2 (11.0.0 available)
  file 6.1.4 (7.0.0 available)
  file_selector_linux 0.9.1+3 (0.9.2+1 available)
  file_selector_macos 0.9.2 (0.9.3+3 available)
  file_selector_platform_interface 2.5.1 (2.6.2 available)
  file_selector_windows 0.9.2 (0.9.3+1 available)
  fixnum 1.0.1 (1.1.0 available)
  flutter_lints 2.0.1 (3.0.1 available)
  flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle 2.0.7 (2.0.17 available)
  flutter_svg 2.0.7 (2.0.10+1 available)
  flutter_tabler_icons 1.1.2 (1.21.0 available)
  flutter_zoom_drawer 3.1.1 (3.1.2 available)
  fluttertoast 8.2.2 (8.2.4 available)
  get 4.6.5 (4.6.6 available)
  get_it 7.6.0 (7.6.7 available)
  glob 2.1.1 (2.1.2 available)
  graphs 2.2.0 (2.3.1 available)
  html 0.15.1 (0.15.4 available)
  http 1.1.2 (1.2.1 available)
  image_picker 0.8.9 (1.0.7 available)
  image_picker_android 0.8.5+6 (0.8.9+3 available)
  image_picker_for_web 2.1.10 (3.0.2 available)
  image_picker_ios 0.8.6+7 (0.8.9+1 available)
  image_picker_linux 0.2.1 (0.2.1+1 available)
  image_picker_macos 0.2.1 (0.2.1+1 available)
  image_picker_platform_interface 2.8.0 (2.9.3 available)
  image_picker_windows 0.2.1 (0.2.1+1 available)
  js 0.6.7 (0.7.1 available)
  json_annotation 4.8.0 (4.8.1 available)
  leak_tracker 10.0.0 (10.0.4 available)
  leak_tracker_flutter_testing 2.0.1 (3.0.3 available)
  leak_tracker_testing 2.0.1 (3.0.1 available)
  lints 2.0.1 (3.0.0 available)
  logging 1.1.1 (1.2.0 available)
  lottie 2.4.0 (3.1.0 available)
  meta 1.11.0 (1.12.0 available)
  mime 1.0.4 (1.0.5 available)
  package_info_plus 4.0.2 (5.0.1 available)
  path_provider 2.0.15 (2.1.2 available)
  path_provider_android 2.0.22 (2.2.2 available)
  path_provider_foundation 2.1.1 (2.3.2 available)
  path_provider_linux 2.1.7 (2.2.1 available)
  path_provider_platform_interface 2.0.5 (2.1.2 available)
  path_provider_windows 2.1.7 (2.2.1 available)
  permission_handler 10.2.0 (11.3.0 available)
  permission_handler_android 10.2.2 (12.0.5 available)
  permission_handler_apple 9.0.8 (9.4.0 available)
  permission_handler_platform_interface 3.9.0 (4.2.0 available)
  permission_handler_windows 0.1.2 (0.2.1 available)
  petitparser 5.4.0 (6.0.2 available)
  platform 3.1.0 (3.1.4 available)
  plugin_platform_interface 2.1.3 (2.1.8 available)
  pointycastle 3.7.3 (3.7.4 available)
  process 4.2.4 (5.0.2 available)
  pub_semver 2.1.3 (2.1.4 available)
  pubspec_parse 1.2.1 (1.2.3 available)
  rive 0.11.17 (0.12.4 available)
  rive_common 0.2.7 (0.3.0 available)
  screen_retriever 0.1.6 (0.1.9 available)
  shelf 1.4.0 (1.4.1 available)
  shelf_web_socket 1.0.3 (1.0.4 available)
  slide_countdown 0.6.0 (1.5.2 available)
  source_gen 1.2.6 (1.5.0 available)
  sqflite 2.2.4+1 (2.3.2 available)
  sqflite_common 2.4.2+2 (2.5.3 available)
  stream_duration 3.2.1 (4.2.2 available)
  synchronized 3.0.1 (3.1.0+1 available)
  test_api 0.6.1 (0.7.0 available)
  typed_data 1.3.1 (1.3.2 available)
  url_launcher 6.1.11 (6.2.5 available)
  url_launcher_android 6.0.23 (6.3.0 available)
  url_launcher_ios 6.1.0 (6.2.4 available)
  url_launcher_linux 3.0.2 (3.1.1 available)
  url_launcher_macos 3.0.2 (3.1.0 available)
  url_launcher_platform_interface 2.1.1 (2.3.2 available)
  url_launcher_web 2.0.14 (2.3.0 available)
  url_launcher_windows 3.0.3 (3.1.1 available)
  uuid 3.0.7 (4.3.3 available)
  vector_graphics 1.1.7 (1.1.11+1 available)
  vector_graphics_codec 1.1.7 (1.1.11+1 available)
  vector_graphics_compiler 1.1.7 (1.1.11+1 available)
  video_player 2.6.1 (2.8.2 available)
  video_player_android 2.3.10 (2.4.12 available)
  video_player_avfoundation 2.3.8 (2.5.6 available)
  video_player_platform_interface 6.1.0 (6.2.2 available)
  video_player_web 2.0.13 (2.2.0 available)
  vm_service 13.0.0 (14.0.0 available)
  watcher 1.0.2 (1.1.0 available)
  web 0.3.0 (0.5.0 available)
  web_socket_channel 2.3.0 (2.4.4 available)
  win32 5.0.3 (5.2.0 available)
  window_manager 0.3.4 (0.3.8 available)
  xdg_directories 0.2.0+3 (1.0.4 available)
  xml 6.3.0 (6.5.0 available)
  yaml 3.1.1 (3.1.2 available)
  yaml_edit 2.1.1 (2.2.0 available)