27rogi / Fabric2Discord

🤝 Link your Fabric server and Discord with ease!
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
13 stars 3 forks source link

Проблема с запуском #4

Closed Klatch13 closed 1 year ago

Klatch13 commented 1 year ago

Я не могу запустить сервер с этим модом, нужны какие то дополнительные моды?

Seercat3160 commented 1 year ago

Could you post your latest.log when this occurs (using something like mclo.gs)

Tysmithyyy commented 1 year ago

2022-07-31-4.log.gz I am getting this error when trying to start on a 1.19.1 fabric server.

Seercat3160 commented 1 year ago

@Tysmithyyy it seems that Fabric2Discord's ServerPlayNetworkHandlerMixin mixin is not compatible with something in the user's server environment (potentially 1.19.1 itself), so the mod might have to be updated for this version. Also, please create a new issue for new support requests rather than piggybacking on an existing issue to notify those already working there.

27rogi commented 1 year ago

@Tysmithyyy it seems that Fabric2Discord's ServerPlayNetworkHandlerMixin mixin is not compatible with 1.19.1, so the mod will have to be updated for this version. Also, please create a new issue for new support requests rather than piggybacking on an existing issue to notify those already working there.

Many thanks for helping with this issue, I will try to fix it.

Tysmithyyy commented 1 year ago

My bad for not creating a new issue. Thanks for looking into it guys. Looking forward to using the mod.

27rogi commented 1 year ago

Should be resolved.