2884784276937S / HypatiaStation

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Syringes can only inject one time #1

Closed TwistedAkai closed 11 years ago

TwistedAkai commented 11 years ago

It was reported today that syringes can only be used for a single injection, which only uses 5 out of the 15 units syringes are made to hold. This is an obvious bug no matter how you look at it, and while I imagine Numbers 2884784276937S is already working on a fix, it still prompts a few questions.

Are we really attempting to limit the number of times a syringe can be used? Do we have a means for Medbay to get more when they inevitably run out, or are we going to force them to use pills? What about Virology, which can't use pills and thus would be unable to proceed once the supply ran out? How would we explain the medibot, which can inject an infinite number of times without issues as long as it's kept stocked with chems? Do we have a plan for medical cyborgs, which are incapable of exchanging their syringes?

2884784276937S commented 11 years ago

Medical cyborgs have their own syringes. Code-wise, they are exempt. Medical cyborgs could presumably have internal syringe fabricators. They already synthesise chemicals, service cyborgs fabricate money, glasses, etc.

More syringes -can- be obtained, via cargo and autolathes. There are several crates, as well as a currently unimplemented medical supply crate - containing four boxes of syringes, and four boxes of beakers for ten supply points. (Someone at BS broke the supply code, so we have to have 7+ supply point cost, hence the cost).

Medibots could conceivably have syringe synthesizer, where do floorbots get their tiles?

As for actual "limiting of number of times a syringe can be used", yes we are. People use the same syringe for a million people. As it currently stands (when my fix is pushed), this is what we are doing:

TwistedAkai commented 11 years ago

Let's get the first part of that pushed to live as soon as possible, yeah? One-use-only syringes suck.

2884784276937S commented 11 years ago

Issue fixed, changes pushed. Autoclave part awaiting sprites.
