2884784276937S / HypatiaStation

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Anomaly Research Airlock nonfunctional #4

Closed TwistedAkai closed 11 years ago

TwistedAkai commented 11 years ago

No idea why this is, but it's been non-functional for a long time, and I'm hearing about it frequently. This needs to either be fixed, or made into a manual airlock again until we can get it right.

Also, these airlocks should not be larger than 2x2, to prevent players from being thrown around by the wind created by the vent pump.

2884784276937S commented 11 years ago

This is a mapping issue, I believe. I experimented with re-doing it, and was able to get it working. I do not have that anymore it seems, however. I'll look at re-doing anomaly airlocks, if someone else doesn't want to. If you want to do it, assign yourself.

TwistedAkai commented 11 years ago

Forgot to close this when it was fixed in a commit 12 days ago. https://github.com/2884784276937S/HypatiaStation/commit/e66ecab28790c675c76c5fe5d1561e63d3942cda