2884784276937S / HypatiaStation

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Date Tracker #6

Open TwistedAkai opened 11 years ago

TwistedAkai commented 11 years ago

Do we know if it's possible to have the server track IC date? My best guess is it would involve the database to avoid issues with the round not having a specific guaranteed length. I'm thinking we could put it next to station time everywhere it appears. If we decide to change it manually for some reason, we could adjust the database to shift it.

2884784276937S commented 11 years ago

I'll do this one, feel free to put in input on how it should be done. I made a widget that displays current IC time, progressing with real time. I'll make the "clock "start" with the output of the widget, when this gets "started". And, then have it progress in real or game-real (depends which makes more sense, time progressing normally, or being able to see -literally- the exact IC date/time.) - progressing whatever one round is (two weeks?), soon as shuttle docks at CC. If round restarts prior to normal round finish (restart before shuttle dock, that is manual restart) time progression is discarded. Time will go back to last saved value. This can/will used DB.

TwistedAkai commented 11 years ago

This issue will need to be discussed more before it can be resolved, due to rounds not lining up perfectly with the flow of lore time.