29988122 / Fate-Grand-Order_Lua

Fate Grand Order auto battle script - no root needed, for Android use only
MIT License
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Lua logging for debug purposes #144

Open 29988122 opened 5 years ago

29988122 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/29988122/Fate-Grand-Order_Lua/issues/115 https://github.com/29988122/Fate-Grand-Order_Lua/issues/118

Bugs, unintended behavior like this keep reappearing, so a proper debugging model's needed I guess.

I found this, but of course, this is not yet determined. http://neopallium.github.io/lualogging/manual.html

TryBane commented 5 years ago

I have looked into getting that implemented before I even tried the resolution scaling and I couldn't get it to work because it uses functions that are not inherently available in the Ankulua framework. So we may need to implement the function being asked for ourselves or find the one it tries to implement.

I could be mistaken, but I believe it is trying to use a function found in Lua 5.1.x and I am unsure of how to get that working using Ankulua