29jm / SnowflakeOS

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PCI ATA+AHCI Support #39

Closed thesilvanator closed 2 years ago

thesilvanator commented 2 years ago


I took a shot at adding basic AHCI+SATA support. Still needs a lot of work, it can only read and write one block at a time, and it's only within the kernel space. And only supports ATA requests, not ATAPI.

Let me know if it works for you and what you think. I'd be happy to make adjustments based on your feedback and whatnot. Once I get it aligned with what you're looking for, I'm planning to add some more features as well and make it a bit robust. Maybe after that it can be integrated within the whole system so the root filesystem doesn't have to be baked into the GRUB image anymore.

Also, need some guidance on allocating physical and virtual memory both contiguously that can be mapped to one another. See ahci.c line 88 and sata.c line 80. I can elaborate a bit more if you'd like.

Let me know what you think.

29jm commented 2 years ago

Wow, this is great! Really appreciate the effort, this is a big one.

It works for me, a few things that come to mind:

For what it's worth, I tried booting on my old laptop and got a black screen with the pci/ahci init calls in kernel.c. It has an SSD (with stuff on it I don't care about =). I also tried it with the branch rebased on master, and/or with the ps2-debugging branch merged, same outcome. It could be that one of the init functions of ahci/pci is stuck in a loop, but it could also be that one of them crashes and the kernel ends up in the fault handler. It would be nice if things booted even if something went wrong during ahci/pci init, but it's not a breaker if this turns out to be hard to fix. If I can run any test for you let me know.

One thing I would ask before merging would be to fix the warnings (you can compile with make strict to treat them as errors), but then I will merge whenever you think it's ready. I don't mind if you prefer working in one PR or several. This will need to be merged to master sometime soon also.

I'll keep reading the code for now, let me know when merge time comes, or if there's anything I can do.

thesilvanator commented 2 years ago

Wow! Thanks for the detailed reply! I'm glad you're happy with what I've added so far!

Sorry about the warnings. I had every intention on having them fixed before submitting the pull request, but I got so focused on finishing before my summer Uni courses started that I just saw the build pass and the warnings completely slipped my mind haha.

I just wanna confirm some things quickly then about the memory allocation:

I'm hoping I can get a quick commit in with some simple short term changes within the next week or so. Mainly it would be:

Then long term maybe I can add some of the other things discussed like getting it working with ext2 and a block abstraction layer, as well as getting it to work on physical hardware.

Lastly, here are some of the resources I used when adding this. Hopefully they can be of help to you as well!

Thanks again!

29jm commented 2 years ago
  • From what I saw, unmapping a virtual address from a physical address also free's the underlying physical frames, correct? So, for example in ahci.c:90, the physical frames that were allocated using kamalloc are now free and not being wasted?

You're right on both counts, but I realize now that it's not the best way to do things because of this deallocation+reallocation of the physical frames, which can be avoided (and should, fragmentation is scary). It should be done in a similar way as in https://github.com/29jm/SnowflakeOS/blob/8fc4dcef9243344ff1db6c562b7e0aa4eb5b7259/kernel/src/devices/fb.c#L28-L35 which is a more manual-looking approach, but more proper let's say. It would justify a paging_remap_pages function probably, but it'll do fine for now :)

  • if I kamalloc space that takes up multiple pages, I can also be sure the physical frames are also one after another, correct?

That's right, and I think it's fair to assume it will stay that way although it's not yet documented (I will so I don't forget). Just to make sure, is this for a one-time (or per-device) allocation ? If at all possible, this is the way to go.

Thank you for the resources, these are great and definitely a needed addition to my reading.
Also sorry for the late reply, let me know if I've missed anything.

edit: silly mistake in the code above with the simple division by 0x1000, which you did correctly. There's even a function for that, divide_up in kernel/sys.h. I guess I need to audit all my divisions.

thesilvanator commented 2 years ago


Firstly, no worries about the late response. Please don't feel rushed at all with this. I'm working on a few other projects, as well as some school stuff, so I'm taking the pace of this a bit slower.

I added the spin/loop checks and fixed the warnings like discussed. In regards to expanding the size of a read/write beyond a single 512 byte block, some of the other examples I've been looking at simply have the function caller provide the buffer location, and the read/write function simply sets that as the location for the ahci controller to write to. I think this would probably be a better method, especially considering the case where a caller may want the memory location to actually be a mmio'd address. Additionally, it removes the overhead of memcpying over the data after the read is complete/before the write.

Changing it to this method would be super fast for any changes made to the driver, so I'm thinking of just leaving that until I begin trying to implement the driver within the system (which like I said will be a bit more of a long term goal haha).

So basically, this is what I have for now, and I may have some bigger, longer term changes coming in the next months if possible.

Hope that's alright. Let me know what you think!

(oh, and thanks for confirming my questions above regarding the mem allocation!)

29jm commented 2 years ago

Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I plan to merge this PR in the coming week, I like those changes and from brief testing it looks good. I think your idea of having the caller provide the buffer to write to makes a ton of sense, I think this is the way to go.