29th / personnel-v3

Personnel management system version 3
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Namespace policies for manage pages #226

Open wilson29thid opened 7 months ago

wilson29thid commented 7 months ago

Prior to this PR, we've had a single set of policies for each resource. Guests can view users but only those with member_edit or member_edit_any permission can modify them, etc. The /manage/ pages have been locked down with an additional check laid out in User#active_admin_editor? that basically checks whether the user has permission to create any resource.

This has worked fine until now, but once we tell enlistment liaisons to start using the /manage/enlistments page, most of them won't have access to it, because they won't have access to create an enlistment (or any other resource) . Likewise, if we ever allowed all members to create their own Extended LOA (which would be reasonable to do), they'd also get access to /manage/ which we don't necessarily want.

So this PR creates a separate set of policies under the Manage:: namespace. These policies are specifically for access to the /manage/ pages. So you can only view /manage/enlistments if you have access to edit them, etc. In fact most policies are defined that way (view access requires edit access). So now, User#active_admin_editor? checks if the user has view access to any of the resources under /manage/ before determining whether they can access that directory.

But the tricky two were /manage/users and /manage/units. While it's clear who should be able to edit those resources, who should be able to view them? The answer is: basically anyone who has access to edit any of the other /manage/ resources.

This made it a little tricky, and means we still rely on having logic in User#active_admin_editor?. The solution was to have the Manage::UserPolicy and Manage::UnitPolicy say that any member can view a user or a unit. But then that would mean that any member can access /manage/. So User#active_admin_editor?'s logic explicitly omits User and Unit from its checks. The logic is thus: "does the user have view access to any resource in /manage/ other than User or Unit?"

I don't love this solution, and something tells me we could have stuck with one set of policy classes and just had wonkier exception logic in User#active_admin_editor?, but it's probably more future-proof to have two sets of policy classes anyway. I'll sleep on it and see if it still feels like the least-worst answer tomorrow.

Fixes #222

Remaining todo: