2DegreesInvesting / STDataMGMT

Private Stress Test Data and their wrangling
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Steel: Shock Timing based on plant age implementation #130

Open ABuller123 opened 2 weeks ago

ABuller123 commented 2 weeks ago

We want to adjsut a variable shock year based on the underlying plant age.

The Logic we want to follow is that old plants, that are operating in carbon intensive industries are shocked first, but newer ones are allowed to operate a bit further. For increasing technologies, the idea is that it follows the same structure, but vice versa, new plants are shocked first (so that they increase their production- and old plants shocked last)

We want to see intiital results for this so see if this is a worthwhile avenue.

Big remaining Question: how does this approach translate to still meeting the climate target by the MP scenario? Maybe we need to make some adjustments here to reflect the earlier and later shocks. Shocks are implemented based on plant year as highlighted below:



The current intutition i