2DegreesInvesting / tiltWebTool

APP: https://tiltwebtool-x6xfk2fceq-uc.a.run.app/
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Study authentication more deeply #14

Closed maurolepore closed 1 week ago

maurolepore commented 1 month ago


Custom authentication page

Can I change the authentication page of shinyapps.io to match my company's branding?

shinyapps.io does not allow direct modification of the login page as it is managed by the platform. If you're leveraging shinyapps.io's built-in authentication, your customization options might be limited to what can be done within the Shiny app itself, without directly modifying the shinyapps.io login page. If you need more advanced customization, you might consider deploying your Shiny app on a custom server where you have full control over the authentication mechanism and the login page design.

I see Apsilon hacked a solution in Posit connect (similar to shinyapps.io) but it seems to require a lot of work: https://www.appsilon.com/post/custom-login-page-for-rstudio-connect Consider contacting them to ask for a quote: https://www.appsilon.com/

I see Posit connect allows for some customization of the landing page: https://docs.posit.co/connect/1.8.4/admin/appendix/custom-landing/

AnneSchoenauer commented 1 week ago

@Tilmon I think this has a high priority. As this is a must-have. The reason why it is a must-have is that we need the use to accept our 'Terms of references' to only use the data for research purposes. Let's discuss in the tech-sprint

maurolepore commented 1 week ago