2DegreesInvesting / tiltWebTool

APP: https://mauro-2dii.shinyapps.io/tiltwebtool/
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Brand the URL #92

Open maurolepore opened 5 days ago

maurolepore commented 5 days ago

is it possible to change the URL @AnneSchoenauer

Yes, and the degree to which that's possible depends on a few things.


Right now I'm using my own account so the first part of the URL defaults to my name.

One way to get a better URL is to use a dedicated "tilt" account (maybe associated to tiltsmes@gmailcom or something like that) so the URL on shinyapps.io would become https://tilt.shinyapps.io/tiltwebtool/.

See https://docs.posit.co/shinyapps.io/guide/billing_and_account_management/#renaming-or-transferring-accounts

The final part "tiltwebtool" (app name) is something we control and we can change it however you like.



Applications deployed on shinyapps.io are accessible by loading a URL of the form: https://<account-name>.shinyapps.io/<application-name>/. Organizations that would like to have greater control over the URLs that their applications are served on can subscribe to the Professional plan and host the application on domains that belong to them.


Alternatively it might be possible to embed the app in www.tiltsmes.org so the user never leaves that domain. So the app's URL can be anything since it's never really exposed to the user. The user would reach the app at, say, www.tiltsmes.org/webtool/. It seems this approach may or may not be a good one depending on security and performance considerations that I would need to study.

Finally, the most expensive plan with shinyapps.io allows the user to customize the URL.