2Retr0 / GodotGrass

Per-blade grass rendering inspired by "Ghost of Tsushima", implemented in Godot
MIT License
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Grass shader: standalone #1

Closed SlashScreen closed 2 months ago

SlashScreen commented 2 months ago

What would I have to change to allow this grass shader to be standalone without the grass generation system? I have been tinkering with the shader myself, but the grass distorts as it gets further from the camera. I'm not the best shader programmer on earth, so I don't 100% know what's going on, unfortunately. (I tried to follow Simon's video myself when it came out, to little results.)

2Retr0 commented 2 months ago

One of the vertex modifications I forgot to mention in the README is that blades thicken horizontally as distance from the camera increases to account for the decreasing density of the LOD. It's a shortcut that really only works in the demo's case.

Here's a more standalone version of the grass shader with the heightmap and distance stretching commented out (untested): ```glsl shader_type spatial; render_mode cull_disabled, ensure_correct_normals; // global uniform sampler2D heightmap : filter_linear, repeat_enable; /** REMOVE LINE */ // global uniform float heightmap_scale; /** REMOVE LINE */ global uniform vec3 player_position; group_uniforms GrassProperties; uniform float clumping_factor : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.5; uniform sampler2D clump_noise; uniform float wind_speed : hint_range(0.0, 5.0) = 1.0; uniform sampler2D wind_noise; group_uniforms GrassColor; uniform vec3 base_color : source_color = vec3(0.05,0.2,0.01); uniform vec3 tip_color : source_color = vec3(0.5,0.5,0.1); uniform vec3 subsurface_scattering_color : source_color = vec3(1.0,0.75,0.1); // Source: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Xt3cDn float hash12(vec2 x) { uvec2 p = floatBitsToUint(x); p = 1103515245U * ((p >> 1U) ^ (p.yx)); uint h32 = 1103515245U*((p.x) ^ (p.y >> 3U)); uint n = h32 ^ (h32 >> 16U); return float(n) * (1.0 / float(0xffffffffU)); } mat3 rotate_x(float angle) { float s = sin(angle), c = cos(angle); return mat3(vec3(1, 0, 0), vec3(0, c, s), vec3(0, -s, c)); } mat3 rotate_y(float angle) { float s = sin(angle), c = cos(angle); return mat3(vec3(c, 0, -s), vec3(0, 1, 0), vec3(s, 0, c)); } mat4 modelview_inverse(mat4 modelview_matrix) { mat3 rotation_inv = transpose(mat3(modelview_matrix)); mat4 modelview_inv = mat4(rotation_inv); modelview_inv[3] = vec4(-(rotation_inv * modelview_matrix[3].xyz), 1.0); return modelview_inv; } float ease_in_quartic(float x) { float a = x*x; return a*a; } float ease_out_quartic(float x) { float a = 1.0 - x; float b = a*a; return 1.0 - b*b; } void vertex() { float height_factor = 1.0 - UV.y; float hash0 = hash12(NODE_POSITION_WORLD.xz); float hash1 = hash12(-NODE_POSITION_WORLD.zx); float clump0 = texture(clump_noise, NODE_POSITION_WORLD.zx*0.075).x; // Noise float clump1 = texture(clump_noise, NODE_POSITION_WORLD.xz*0.5).x; float clump2 = texture(clump_noise,-NODE_POSITION_WORLD.zx*0.035).x; // --- GRASS BLADE HEIGHT/WIDTH --- vec3 camera_offset = NODE_POSITION_WORLD - CAMERA_POSITION_WORLD; // float camera_distance = length(camera_offset); /** REMOVE LINE */ float height_offset = mix(0.4, 2.0, mix(hash0, clump0, 0.8)); VERTEX.x *= mix(0.6, 1.0, hash1); // The further the distance from the camera, the thicker the grass blade will // appear to account for decreasing density with LOD // VERTEX.x *= 1.0 + min(ease_in_quartic(0.033*camera_distance), 75.0); /** REMOVE LINE */ VERTEX.y *= height_offset; vec3 vertex_model = VERTEX; // Vertex in model space before any rotations are applied // --- WIND --- float heightmap_offset = (texture(heightmap, NODE_POSITION_WORLD.xz / vec2(textureSize(heightmap, 0))).x - 0.5) * heightmap_scale; float player_distance = length(player_position - (NODE_POSITION_WORLD + vec3(0, heightmap_offset, 0))); float crushed_factor = min(player_distance*player_distance*1.2, 1.0); float turn_angle_base = (mix(-0.15, 0.15, hash0) + clump2*clumping_factor)*TAU; float wind_direction = texture(wind_noise, NODE_POSITION_WORLD.zx*0.005/wind_speed + TIME*0.005*wind_speed).x*TAU; float wind_strength = mix(0.25, 1.0, texture(wind_noise, NODE_POSITION_WORLD.xz*0.025/wind_speed + TIME*0.05).x)*crushed_factor; wind_strength *= wind_strength; wind_strength *= mix(0.6, 0.7, hash1) * wind_speed; mat3 grass_rotate = rotate_y(mix(turn_angle_base, wind_direction, wind_strength)); float bend_angle_base = mix(0.12, 0.25, hash1 + height_offset*0.1)*PI*height_factor; // We sample wind noise identically to strength, but with a time offset based on // the height to simulate the turbulence as the grass blade shakes from the wind. float wind_strength_turbulence = mix(0.25, 1.0, texture(wind_noise, NODE_POSITION_WORLD.xz*0.025/wind_speed + (TIME + height_factor*height_factor*0.25)*0.05).x); wind_strength_turbulence *= wind_strength_turbulence; wind_strength_turbulence *= mix(0.16, 0.25*hash0, clump1)*PI * min(wind_speed, 1.0); mat3 grass_bend = rotate_x(mix(0.45*PI, bend_angle_base + wind_strength_turbulence, crushed_factor)); // Apply rotations to the vertex and normal mat3 grass_rotation_matrix = grass_rotate * grass_bend; VERTEX = grass_rotation_matrix * VERTEX; NORMAL = grass_rotation_matrix * NORMAL; // --- VIEW SPACE THICKENING --- // Grass blades perpendicular to the camera will appear very thin. We stretch // these blades horizontally in view space to make them appear more 'full'. vec3 vertex_view = (MODELVIEW_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz; vec3 normal_world = (MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(NORMAL, 0.0)).xyz; float dot_nv = dot(normalize(normal_world), normalize(camera_offset)); // The direction of thickening in view space will be based on the x-coordinate // sign of the vertex position in model space. We multiply by a large factor // and round to correct for precision errors from positions at x=0. float thicken_direction = sign(round((grass_rotate * vertex_model).x * 1e6)); float thicken_factor = ease_in_quartic(1.0 - abs(dot_nv)) * abs(vertex_model.x); vertex_view.x += thicken_factor * thicken_direction; VERTEX = (modelview_inverse(MODELVIEW_MATRIX) * vec4(vertex_view, 1.0)).xyz; // --- HEIGHTMAP OFFSET --- // VERTEX.y += heightmap_offset; /** REMOVE LINE */ } void fragment() { float fog_factor = exp(-length(VERTEX)*0.017); mat3 normal_offset = rotate_y(mix(-0.12, 0.12, UV.x)*PI); NORMAL = normalize(normal_offset * NORMAL); // Blend grass normal with terrain normal based on distance (assumes up is 0,1,0!) NORMAL = mix(vec3(0,1,0), NORMAL, fog_factor); float height_factor = 1.0 - UV.y; ALBEDO = mix(base_color, tip_color, ease_in_quartic(height_factor)); ALBEDO *= mix(0.1, 1.0, height_factor*height_factor); // AO // Color becomes more uniform as distance increases ALBEDO = mix(mix(base_color, tip_color, 0.5)*0.5, ALBEDO, fog_factor); //AO = mix(0.1, 1.0, height_factor*height_factor); // Note: This looks better but is only visible when shadows are enabled! ROUGHNESS = mix(1.0, 0.4, ease_out_quartic(height_factor)); ANISOTROPY = 0.85; } void light() { float diffuse_factor = pow(4.0, dot(NORMAL, LIGHT)) / 4.0; // Diffuse never drops to 0 to simulate ambient bounces float sss_factor = max(-dot(VIEW, LIGHT), 0.0) * 0.5; DIFFUSE_LIGHT += (diffuse_factor + sss_factor*subsurface_scattering_color) * ATTENUATION * LIGHT_COLOR; SPECULAR_LIGHT *= diffuse_factor; } ``` Hope this helps!