2amigos / yii2-leaflet-extension

Yii 2 Extension library to display interactive maps with Leaflet .
30 stars 26 forks source link

Usage Doc #1

Closed eyedol closed 10 years ago

eyedol commented 10 years ago

Would be nice to provide documentation on how to use this plugin

philippfrenzel commented 10 years ago

use yii\helpers\Html;
use kartik\icons\Icon;



//initialise all waypoints
$mycenter = 0;
$locations = array();
foreach($dpLocations AS $location){
  foreach($location->party->addresses AS $address)
    if($mycenter == 0)
      $center = new dosamigos\leaflet\types\LatLng(['lat' => $address->no_latitude, 'lng' => $address->no_longitude]);
    $locations[$location->party->organisationName] = new dosamigos\leaflet\types\LatLng(['lat' => $address->no_latitude, 'lng' => $address->no_longitude]);


  $layer = new dosamigos\leaflet\layers\TileLayer([
       //'urlTemplate' => 'http://{s}.tile.cloudmade.com/key/997/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
       'urlTemplate' => 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
       'map' => 'BlogMap'.$location->param2_int,
       'clientOptions' =>[
          'attribution' => 'Map data © <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

  $leafLet = new dosamigos\leaflet\LeafLet([
    'center' => $center,
    'zoom' => 13,
    'TileLayer' => $layer,
    'name' => 'BlogMap'.$location->param2_int

  // Initialize plugin
  $makimarkers = new dosamigos\leaflet\plugins\makimarker\MakiMarker(['name' => 'makimarker']);



  foreach($locations as $key=>$value)
    // generate icon through its icon
    $marker = new dosamigos\leaflet\layers\Marker([
        'latLng' => $value,
        'icon' => $leafLet->plugins->makimarker->make("cafe",['color' => "#b0b", 'size' => "m"]),
        'popupContent' => $key


  echo dosamigos\leaflet\widgets\Map::widget(['leafLet' => $leafLet,'options' => ['style' => 'height: 400px']]);


eyedol commented 10 years ago

@philippfrenzel Thanks for the code snippets. It would be nice if this kind of snippet is added to the doc. It's a lot of work figuring out how to use it. Plus using the makimaker plugin throws an exception

Argument 1 passed to dosamigos\leaflet\layers\Marker::setIcon() must be an instance of dosamigos\leaflet\types\Icon, instance of yii\web\JsExpression given, called in /home/eyedol/Devel/Workspace/eatout/advanced/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Component.php on line 168 and defined

It seems leaflet expects it's Icon type but makimarker returns a JSON string.

philippfrenzel commented 10 years ago

@eyedol is it working on your side? I send a pull request which removed the type passed over to the function so then it's working fine! you can see a working map here:

http://www.simplebutmagnificent.com (my girlfriends blog;))

tonydspaniard commented 10 years ago

@eyedol I know that all Yii2 extensions have very little documentation but this is due to the plans that I have for all them. Apologies now as I do not have much time but documentation wont be an issue in the future. I am waiting for Yii2 beta.

Best and also thank you @philippfrenzel

philippfrenzel commented 10 years ago

@tonydspaniard I'm happy you had the time to build this "first" version, as docs are cool, for the current stability I totally understand that it's hard to follow up, even as you are having more then one repo to keep "up to date" ;)