2amigos / yii2-tinymce-widget

TinyMCE WYSIWYG widget for Yii2
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Failed to load plugin: print preview paste importcss searchreplace autolink ... emoticons/plugin.js #57

Open gv0zdik opened 2 years ago

gv0zdik commented 2 years ago

Hi! If you have problems loading plugins and some buttons are not shown on the panel, then change the widget code a little. I separated plugins into array elements and everything worked

<?= $form->field($model, 'text')->widget(TinyMce::className(), [
        'options' => ['rows' => 6],
        'language' => 'ru',
        'clientOptions' => [
            'plugins' => [
                "advlist", "autolink", "lists", "link", "charmap", "anchor",
                "searchreplace", "visualblocks", "code", "fullscreen",
                "insertdatetime", "media", "table", "image", "preview",
            'toolbar' => "undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image"

Plugins: print, paste, contextmenu, don't support anymore

neoacevedo commented 2 years ago

Similar issue but with avdlist and similars. Doing what you said fired more errors and I didn't get any change:

Failed to load plugin: advlist autolink lists link charmap print preview anchor charmap from url plugins/advlist autolink lists link charmap print preview anchor charmap/plugin.js tinymce.js:18166:15 Failed to load plugin: searchreplace visualblocks code codesample media wordcount textcolor from url plugins/searchreplace visualblocks code codesample media wordcount textcolor/plugin.js tinymce.js:18166:15

UPDATE: I reinstalled this extension and the array did the trick.