Closed jzy1688 closed 11 years ago
Same problem here with the test code. The problem is in the A2base.php file.
I have changed line 76 for:
if($args == false){
$args = array();
$args = current($args);
$args expect an array value, when is empty throw an error. So when is empty we give them an empty array as a value and everything will be ok.
This issue has been fixed... thanks
when I try to execute "$s3->getCommand('GetObject',array('Bucket'=>$bucket,'Key'=$key));" I got an Error :"Argument 2 passed to Guzzle\Service\Client::getCommand() must be an array, string given, called in /Library/WebServer/Documents/protected/extensions/aws/components/A2Base.php on line 85 and defined"
and I think it may be some proble with getCommand since I also tried to use getCommand to CreateBucket but got the same error