2amigos / yiiaws

Amazon Web Services SDK PHP 2 Wrapper
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Setup the system to make using aws.phar optional #27

Closed acorncom closed 11 years ago

acorncom commented 11 years ago

Hi Antonio, Thanks for putting this out, it's been quite useful.

Ran into headaches using the aws.phar when combined with APC on some servers of ours. Per your comment here: https://github.com/2amigos/yii-aws/issues/22#issuecomment-18740893

Looks like you've already run into the issues with that. Per Amazon's docs, they recommend not using the phar in production: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php-2/guide/latest/performance.html#do-not-use-the-phar-in-production

Any thoughts on how we could set the repo up to make using the Phar optional? You've currently got it hard-coded in A2Base.php.

I've swapped it out to use the AWS SDK autoloader and their files instead and things work fine ... Haven't got it integrated with Composer yet or I'd send over a pull request.

acorncom commented 11 years ago

@tonydspaniard Just noticed that you've got a full branch that works around this. Sorry, didn't see it. Might be worth mentioning in the README.md as well :-)