2amigos / yiinitializr

Library that will help boost your application installation with ease and also to run Yii applications from its bootstrap files on a much cleaner way that the framework currently proposes.
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Fixes configuration order bug #5

Closed ifdattic closed 11 years ago

ifdattic commented 11 years ago

I think the changes introduced in SHA: 9c29a7e40d3081b2766bdf6685ec1b0c1466735c commit are completely correct.

I was working on my project and noticed the configuration files are in wrong order, which leads to incomplete configuration and overwritten configurations if they are not in env or local files (the common takes precedence but it should be the other way around).

For example by default the order of files will be:

array(6) {
  string(7) "backend"
  string(97) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\backend\www/../../common/config/main.php"
  string(96) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\backend\www/../../common/config/env.php"
  string(98) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\backend\www/../../common/config/local.php"
  string(3) "env"
  string(5) "local"

then the configuration for let's say aliases will be:

  array(6) {
    string(24) "vendor.yii-twbs.yiistrap"
    string(24) "vendor.2amigos.yiiwheels"
    string(85) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\common\config/../../frontend"
    string(83) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\common\config/../../common"
    string(84) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\common\config/../../backend"
    string(17) "common.lib.vendor"

and because we don't have a vendor alias (it comes after it's used), if we try to call the bootstrap component, for example by adding this in a view:

<?php $form = $this->beginWidget( 'bootstrap.widgets.TbActiveForm', array( 'id' => 'loginForm' ) ); ?>

It will give an error with the message: Alias "bootstrap.widgets.TbActiveForm" is invalid. Make sure it points to an existing PHP file and the file is readable.

If we add the main configuration file after common configuration files are added (as the correct order should be: common configuration, common configuration environment, application configuration, application configuration environment), the configuration are loaded in correct order and config file is merged like it's supposed to be.

array(6) {
  string(97) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\backend\www/../../common/config/main.php"
  string(96) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\backend\www/../../common/config/env.php"
  string(98) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\backend\www/../../common/config/local.php"
  string(7) "backend"
  string(3) "env"
  string(5) "local"

  array(6) {
    string(85) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\common\config/../../frontend"
    string(83) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\common\config/../../common"
    string(84) "D:\Workshop\Localhost\projects\yiinitializr-intermediate\common\config/../../backend"
    string(17) "common.lib.vendor"
    string(24) "vendor.yii-twbs.yiistrap"
    string(24) "vendor.2amigos.yiiwheels"
tonydspaniard commented 11 years ago

Aliases were fixed by @Borales