2amigos / yiiwheels

Widget extension library for the YiiStrap extension
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Ace editor dont't send edited text #91

Closed iamsalnikov closed 10 years ago

iamsalnikov commented 10 years ago


I'm trying to edit html field of my model by yiiwheels.widgets.ace.WhAceEditor widget; But in $_POSTdata i have empty $_POST['Page']['html'] string;

View code:

$this->widget('yiiwheels.widgets.ace.WhAceEditor', array(
     'model' => $page,
     'attribute' => 'html',
     'mode' => 'php',
     'htmlOptions'=> array('class' => 'span8', 'style' => 'height:150px;')

Controller action with dump $_POST (Form is sent here):

public function actionSavePage() 
    if (!empty($_POST['Page'])) {
        CVarDumper::dump($_POST['Page'], 10, true); die;
    // ...

Output, when form sended:

        'title' => 'test page' //ok
        'code' => 'test-code' // ok
        'html' => '' // bad. I input '<div>test</div>'

Where is wrong?