2bitcoder / Jquery-Gantt

A Gantt Plugin using Jquery, Backbone and Kinetic
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Configuration Data for Select Fields #60

Closed 2bitcoder closed 9 years ago

2bitcoder commented 9 years ago

this provides the configuration data for select lists that will provide data to the dataModel and future configuration variables.

this data should be loaded at the start, I've created a seperate api to get this data from api: "/api/GanttConfig/wbs/43/2b00da46b57c0395"

MilestoneStatus = dataModel .Status = $('Status').val(); from select list MilestoneHealth = dataModel .Health = $('Health').val(); from select list

WorkOrder = dataModel.WO (new) = $('WO').val(); from select list

These select lists will be editable from a popup modal (context menu -> properties)

{ "cdata":[ { "Category":"Milestone Health", "data":[ { "ID":14752, "cfg_item":"Green", "SortOrder":0 }, { "ID":14753, "cfg_item":"Amber", "SortOrder":1 }, { "ID":14754, "cfg_item":"Red", "SortOrder":3 } ] }, { "Category":"Milestone Status", "data":[ { "ID":218, "cfg_item":"Backlog", "SortOrder":0 }, { "ID":218, "cfg_item":"Ready", "SortOrder":1 }, { "ID":23, "cfg_item":"In Progress", "SortOrder":2 }, { "ID":24, "cfg_item":"Complete", "SortOrder":3 },


], "wdata":[ { "WONumber":"WO10018", "data":[ { "ID":43, "WONumber":"WO10018", "SortOrder":43 } ] } ] }

2bitcoder commented 9 years ago

completed version 1.0