0 (should be the sequence number, 'sort order' of the task)
0 (should be the sequence number, 'sort order' of the task)
2015-07-19T17:52:00.000Z format to be: 2015-07-19T17:52:00
(add task finish date: if null then add start + 1 day)
2015-07-19T17:52:00.000Z0 format to be: 2015-07-19T17:52:00
(add task finish date: if null then add start + 1 day)
2015-07-19T17:52:00.000Z format to be: 2015-07-19T17:52:00
(add task finish date: if null then add start + 1 day)
All dates should be in 2015-07-20T03:53:04 format