Hi, not sure what's wrong,
but your library not working both, with my Lolin32 lite
and Raspberry Pi Pico.
my code is
import machine, sht11
from sht11 import SHT11
from machine import Pin
#pin sck and data used, change with yours
sht = SHT11(sck=21, data=20)
#read temperature and humidity
tempOut = sht.temperature()
humOut = sht.humidity()
#print temperature and humidity
print('Temperature: ', tempOut, '*C')
print('Humidity: ', humOut, '%')
i've got that return
**Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 10, in <module>
File "sht11.py", line 49, in temperature
File "sht11.py", line 86, in __send_command
File "sht11.py", line 168, in __ack_bit
Hi, not sure what's wrong, but your library not working both, with my Lolin32 lite and Raspberry Pi Pico.
my code is
i've got that return