2blane / OctoPrint-Webhooks

Make OctoPrint events call your custom webhooks!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
28 stars 19 forks source link

No Webhook when Print Resumed #21

Open ryancasler opened 4 years ago

ryancasler commented 4 years ago

When the status of the print changes from Paused to Resume, I don't see a webhook coming out of the plugin. Is there any way that could be added or if not, could the "start" message be resent?

mtsouris81 commented 3 years ago

under webhook settings .... Webhook Parameters > CONTENT TYPE (dropdown list) you want to select: x-www-form-urlencoded

select that and your data will come in as if a form submitted it. Alternatively, inlcude snapshot in the ADVANCED > DATA section ... that produces the same result