2d-inc / Flare-Flutter

Load and get full control of your Rive files in a Flutter project using this library.
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Migrate to null safety #291

Closed adarsh-technocrat closed 3 years ago

adarsh-technocrat commented 3 years ago


nilsreichardt commented 3 years ago

Here are some helpful resources:

NarHakobyan commented 3 years ago

Is this library depreciated?

talamaska commented 3 years ago

Yes, please migrate i have animations that are still impossible to make on rive2 like jelly bones and other bunch of things which are impossible to make in rive 2 for now

marcos930807 commented 3 years ago

Is there a roadmap, timeline, etc, for when will this be available?? i have a dependency on this package.

ir4ever commented 3 years ago

waiting for it

NarHakobyan commented 3 years ago

@luigi-rosso do you have plans to migrate to null-safety?

alanlanglois commented 3 years ago

Is this library depreciated?

Sounds like: https://github.com/rive-app/rive-flutter

mjohnsullivan commented 3 years ago

We're going to focus on null safety migration for this package next week to get a release out shortly.