2dust / v2rayN

A GUI client for Windows, support Xray core and v2fly core and others
GNU General Public License v3.0
64.23k stars 10.9k forks source link

[紧急] 请尽快将v2ray-core升级至v4.23.2或以上版本 #844

Closed RPRX closed 4 years ago

RPRX commented 4 years ago

64位:https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/releases/download/v4.23.2/v2ray-windows-64.zip 32位:https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/releases/download/v4.23.2/v2ray-windows-32.zip


原因见 #840 和 https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/issues/2518

Khavefun commented 4 years ago


yfdyh000 commented 4 years ago



RPRX commented 4 years ago



以及,allowInsecure和allowInsecureCiphers是两个不同的设置,v2rayN目前无后者的设置选项 不过暂时也不需要了,v2ray-core最新版v4.23.2中,allowInsecureCiphers相当于始终为true

0312birdzhang commented 4 years ago

v2rayN与v2ray-core 4.23.3 版本不兼容, 只有这一行错误 main: failed to read config files: [F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json] > unexpected EOF

RPRX commented 4 years ago

v2rayN与v2ray-core 4.23.3 版本不兼容, 只有这一行错误 main: failed to read config files: [F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json] > unexpected EOF


0312birdzhang commented 4 years ago

@rprx 不行,我刚刚下载了4.23.3还是一样的错误,而且4.23.2也是同样。 用v2rayN里面的4.23.1才可以。

RPRX commented 4 years ago

@rprx 不行,我刚刚下载了4.23.3还是一样的错误,而且4.23.2也是同样。 用v2rayN里面的4.23.1才可以。


0312birdzhang commented 4 years ago

@rprx 不行,我刚刚下载了4.23.3还是一样的错误,而且4.23.2也是同样。 用v2rayN里面的4.23.1才可以。


我是windows10 2004版本,我用v2ray.exe单独的测试v2rayN生成的配置文件也会报错。感觉是配置文件不兼容的问题。

0312birdzhang commented 4 years ago

附一下测试记录: ..\v2ray.exe 是 v4.23.3版本, 当前目录下是v2rayN自带的版本

F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core>v2ray.exe -test .\config.json
V2Ray 4.23.1 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray.) Custom (go1.13 windows/386)
A unified platform for anti-censorship.
2020/06/02 11:59:30 Using default config:  F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json
2020/06/02 11:59:30 [Info] v2ray.com/core/common/platform/ctlcmd: <v2ctl message>
v2ctl> Read config:  F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json
Configuration OK.

F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core>..\v2ray.exe -test .\config.json
V2Ray 4.23.3 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray.) Custom (go1.14.1 windows/amd64)
A unified platform for anti-censorship.
2020/06/02 12:00:00 Using default config:  F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json
main: failed to read config files: [F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json] > v2ray.com/core/main/json: failed to execute v2ctl to convert config file. > v2ray.com/core/common/platform/ctlcmd: v2ctl doesn't exist > CreateFile F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2ctl.exe: The system cannot find the file specified.
F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core>v2ray.exe -version
V2Ray 4.23.1 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray.) Custom (go1.13 windows/386)
A unified platform for anti-censorship.

F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core>..\v2ray.exe -version
V2Ray 4.23.3 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray.) Custom (go1.14.1 windows/amd64)
A unified platform for anti-censorship.
F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core>
RPRX commented 4 years ago


main: failed to read config files: [F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json] > v2ray.com/core/main/json: failed to execute v2ctl to convert config file. > v2ray.com/core/common/platform/ctlcmd: v2ctl doesn't exist > CreateFile F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2ctl.exe: The system cannot find the file specified.


0312birdzhang commented 4 years ago


main: failed to read config files: [F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json] > v2ray.com/core/main/json: failed to execute v2ctl to convert config file. > v2ray.com/core/common/platform/ctlcmd: v2ctl doesn't exist > CreateFile F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2ctl.exe: The system cannot find the file specified.



F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core>..\v2ray.exe -test .\config.json
V2Ray 4.23.3 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray.) Custom (go1.14.1 windows/amd64)
A unified platform for anti-censorship.
2020/06/02 12:10:44 Using default config:  F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json
2020/06/02 12:10:44 [Info] v2ray.com/core/common/platform/ctlcmd: <v2ctl message>
v2ctl> Read config:  F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json
main: failed to read config files: [F:\Program Files\v2rayN-Core\v2rayN-Core\config.json] > unexpected EOF
RPRX commented 4 years ago


failed to read config files 应该是权限问题吧,我记得配置错误不是这个提示,确定用v2rayN生成配置文件了吗?

0312birdzhang commented 4 years ago


failed to read config files 应该是权限问题吧,我记得配置错误不是这个提示,确定用v2rayN生成配置文件了吗?

确定,正在用着的呢,你看第一行的测试 v2ray.exe -test .\config.json 是 OK的

RPRX commented 4 years ago


我的电脑上 v2rayN 3.18 + v2ray-core 4.23.3 无此问题,你换个文件夹测试下

0312birdzhang commented 4 years ago


我的电脑上 v2rayN 3.18 + v2ray-core 4.23.3 无此问题,你换个文件夹测试下


我4.23.3 版本的 v2ctl md5: 730ca857c961723c86196b31d6cc25ba

0312birdzhang commented 4 years ago

@rprx 忽略我这个问题吧,应该是我那一台电脑的问题(最近刚升级了win10 2004,可能有影响)。我另一台一点问题都没有。

creatablr commented 1 year ago

V2Ray 5.1.0 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray.) Custom (go1.19 windows/amd64) A unified platform for anti-censorship. 2023/03/08 23:03:22 Using config from env: C:\Program Files (x86)\ZoogVPN\Resources\v2ray\config.json 2023/03/08 23:03:22 [Warning] V2Ray 5.1.0 started 2023/03/08 23:03:23 [Warning] [1657236481] app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:uk.free.zoogvpn.com:443 2023/03/08 23:03:23 tcp: accepted tcp:uk.free.zoogvpn.com:443 2023/03/08 23:05:24 tcp: accepted tcp:uk.free.zoogvpn.com:443 2023/03/08 23:05:24 [Warning] [976221371] app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:uk.free.zoogvpn.com:443 有大佬能解决下这个问题吗 昨天还可以连接