2e3s / awatcher

Activity and idle watchers
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Reporting on Timeline but not Activity w/ Module #24

Closed nanodeath closed 2 months ago

nanodeath commented 2 months ago

Hi...I have an installation of ActivityWatch I set up a couple days ago when I ran into https://github.com/ActivityWatch/activitywatch/issues/1036, and the recommendation was to install awatcher. Since I already have ActivityWatch installed, I thought I'd use the module version instead of the bundle version. However, it's not working correctly. My Timeline shows stuff (including not-afk events and aw-watcher-web-firefox stuff, but the Activity section is completely empty, every tab.

I downloaded and installed https://github.com/2e3s/awatcher/releases/download/v0.2.7/aw-awatcher_0.2.7-1_amd64.deb. Then I followed the directions for updating the config, so now ~/.config/activitywatch/aw-qt/aw-qt.toml has this content:

autostart_modules = ["aw-server", "aw-awatcher"]

#autostart_modules = ["aw-server", "aw-watcher-afk", "aw-watcher-window"]

I then restarted my computer to pick up the changes.



ActivityWatch v0.13.1 awatcher v0.2.7-1 GNOME 42.9 w/ Wayland

nanodeath commented 2 months ago

Figured out how to start it on the terminal, here are some logs:

➜  ~ ~/Applications/activitywatch/aw-qt          
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: Started aw-qt...  (aw_qt.main:53)
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [WARNING]: Found matching file but was not executable: /home/max/Applications/activitywatch/aw-qt.desktop  (aw_qt.manager:64)
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [WARNING]: Found matching file but was not executable: /home/max/Applications/activitywatch/aw-server-rust/aw-server.service  (aw_qt.manager:64)
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: Found 7 bundled modules  (aw_qt.manager:85)
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: Found 1 system modules  (aw_qt.manager:119)
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: Starting module aw-server  (aw_qt.manager:148)
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: Starting module aw-awatcher  (aw_qt.manager:148)
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: Creating trayicon...  (aw_qt.trayicon:208)
/home/max/Applications/activitywatch/aw-qt: symbol lookup error: /home/max/Applications/activitywatch/libQt6WaylandClient.so.6: undefined symbol: wl_proxy_marshal_flags
➜  ~ 2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: Using storage method: peewee  (aw_server.main:33)
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: Starting up...  (aw_server.main:41)
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: Using database file: /home/max/.local/share/activitywatch/aw-server/peewee-sqlite.v2.db  (aw_datastore.storages.peewee:150)
 * Serving Flask app 'aw-server'
 * Debug mode: off
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on http://localhost:5600  (werkzeug:187)
2024-06-25 07:18:33 [INFO ]: Press CTRL+C to quit  (werkzeug:187)
2024-06-25 07:18:34 [INFO ]: Received heartbeat after pulse window, inserting as new event. (bucket: aw-watcher-afk_max-Framework-U2)  (aw_server.api:317)

It looks like it's finding the module just fine.

2e3s commented 2 months ago

The timeline should should events for aw-watcher-window_ and aw-watcher-afk_. Do you miss the former? Please remove temporarily "aw-awatcher" from the aforementioned config section and start it manually with aw-awatcher -vvv and see if the events start to appear and if there are some errors. Did you install the required extension for Gnome btw?

nanodeath commented 2 months ago

Does look like I missed that. Unfortunately it's not compatible with chrome-gnome-shell, which I had to install because I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 (tried Ubuntu 24.04, but doesn't play nice with Unity).

Your native host connector do not support following APIs: v6. Probably you should upgrade native host connector or install plugins for missing APIs. Refer documentation for instructions.

2e3s commented 2 months ago

This used to work on Ubuntu 22.04, not sure compatibility with chrome-gnome-shell extension. Intuitively, as much as I'm aware of the code of "Focused Window D-Bus", I can't think of any potential incompatibility. It gets the info straigh from Gnome and puts to DBus: https://github.com/flexagoon/focused-window-dbus/blob/main/extension.js

nanodeath commented 2 months ago

Woo, I had to run gsettings set org.gnome.shell disable-extension-version-validation true to install the extension but it seems to be working just fine :raised_hands:

Admittedly this is user error, but also a critical part of the installation is in a footnote, which is easy to miss.

Thanks for your help, @2e3s.

2e3s commented 2 months ago

Alright, this is good. I thought that I've put the reference into a good place in the support table, I'll think how to improve the accessibility.