2gis / Winium.StoreApps.CodedUi

Prototype of Winium.StoreApps driver using CodedUI. Implements JsonWireProtocol for automation of Windows Phone applications
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Cannot connect to Windows 10 phone #35

Open sravv opened 7 years ago

sravv commented 7 years ago

I am running tests on Windows 10 mobile device using coded ui. Was able to build the solution to get Winium.Storeapps.driver.exe , executed this Winium.StoreApps.DRiver.exe and ran the test_sample.py script. My mobile was not able to connect to the server. I've added below keys Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IpOverUsb\Winium] "DestinationAddress"="" "DestinationPort"=dword:0000270e "LocalAddress"="" "LocalPort"=dword:0000270e

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IpOverUsbSdk\Winium] "DestinationAddress"="" "DestinationPort"=dword:0000270e "LocalAddress"="" "LocalPort"=dword:0000270e

I've also set deviceipaddress to 'localhost'

When i executed the driver and then the python script i got the following error: errorafterrunningthetest_samplescript

I have also attached the error logs obtained when test_sample.py script was executed. Attached the used Test_Sample.py script as well. Selenium version used is `3.0.2

Please let me know what mistake i am doing ASAP.

errorafterrunningthetest_samplescript PythonLogs.txt screenshotofwiniumstroreappsdriverrunning


NickAb commented 7 years ago

Please try selenium==2.45.0. It should work. If it does, but you want to use newer selenium bindings, try https://github.com/2gis/Winium.StoreApps.CodedUi/tree/fix-empty-request-crash branch, it has a fix for such problem.

NickAb commented 7 years ago

Let me know if branched version helps with new bindings, I will merge it asap then.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

Thanks i will try that solution and let you know the results. But i had just added the registry key that was mentioned as part of this https://github.com/2gis/Winium.StoreApps.CodedUi/issues/1#issuecomment-94719621 and did not follow anything which is mentioned here https://dev.windowsphone.com/en-US/OEM/docs/Phone_Testing/Configuring_IP_over_USB because i was not able to open this link. Is that fine?

NickAb commented 7 years ago

Yes, it should be fine. Link was added to reference the source for further reading.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I have some doubt, in the python sample code : command_executor='http://localhost:9998 we are using this command_executor right.. should we make sure that this is accessible from the browser of test machine (by installing IIS server and adding the binding for http and port 9998) ??

NickAb commented 7 years ago

I am not sure what you mean by executor being accessible from browser. When you start driver it will bind to all interfaces, meaning that it can be accessed not only from localhost, but from other hosts in network. If you run tests from host A, and driver is running on host B, then in your tests you will need to specify ip address or network name of host B instead of localhost.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I installed selenium 2.45.0 and executed the same code, but this time it is throwing error as "[WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" Please see the screenshot: image

The error logs of Test_sample.py script are attached. PythonLogs.txt

Please can you tell me what has went wrong??

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I am able to connect with windows 10 phone, I am trying to install UWP application with .appxbundle, but i am getting error as "Unknown error: A packaging error prevented this application from installing." Can you please tell me if we have to do any changes to install UWP app through .appxbundle ??


NickAb commented 7 years ago

This might be related to https://github.com/2gis/Winium.Mobile/issues/116

Please try workaround by removing dependencies as described in https://github.com/2gis/Winium.Mobile/issues/116#issuecomment-162839134

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

Again i am facing same issue with error : "[WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" :( :(


How can we make sure the connection will be consistent. Are there any pre-req to be taken care always before we start the script??

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

Any solution for above problem?? Your help would be very much needed.. i tried with different windows 10 phone also but i am getting the same error again and again .. not able to proceed further..

NickAb commented 7 years ago

Why your driver output says that it listens on port 9998?

Have you modified listening port value? The driver itself should listen on port 9999.

Port 9998 will be used by Winium.StoreApps.CodedUITestProject which is hosted on device.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

The reason why is used port 9998 was, the registry settings was as follows: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IpOverUsb\Winium] "DestinationAddress"="" "DestinationPort"=dword:0000270e "LocalAddress"="" "LocalPort"=dword:0000270e

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IpOverUsbSdk\Winium] "DestinationAddress"="" "DestinationPort"=dword:0000270e "LocalAddress"="" "LocalPort"=dword:0000270e

So here dword:0000270e means 9998 port, that is why i build the driver solution with that port.

Soo.. according to you both registry and driver should be at port 9999 or just the driver at 9999 and registry at 9998 itself?? Can you please clarify? :)

NickAb commented 7 years ago

This is due to the fact that we actually have two servers. There is driver itself that is run on a host system. Your tests should connect to the port used by driver (9999). When you start new session driver deploys automation server onto device, app under test running on a device is not accessible from outside of this device. This server will listen on 9998 on device, so this port should be forwarded to your host system, so that driver could access it. That is what we do by adding keys to registry with 9998 value.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I was able to connect successfully after following the above ports... Thanks.. :) But when i am trying to deploy UWP app on win 10 mobile phone with .appxbundle i am getting the following error: "WebDriverException: Message: Unknown error: A packaging error prevented this application from installing." Can you please tell me in detail how to overcome this error? What changes should be made while creating the package of UWP app?? or I can install the UWP manually and after that i should be able to interact with the app is that possible?? How can i skip the installation of UWP app and directly proceed to test my UWP app on mobile??


NickAb commented 7 years ago

You can skip app capability at all or set it to null in your desired capabilities.

Also please see https://github.com/2gis/Winium.Mobile/issues/116#issuecomment-162839134 for workaround on UWP deployment.

Another workaround that worked for me was to first deploy application using Visual Studio, so that dependencies like frameworks get deployed correctly, and then deploy appx only using the driver.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I tried the first workaround by removing the capability of app, but that did not work at all, i have attached the logs: DriverLogs.txt PythonLogs.txt


The second approach of building the app with the framework dependencies cannot be done because we have to use the same UWP app without any changes :(

Can you please provide me the modified code/winium solution which will not install the uwp app instead make use of the existing already installed UWP app on the mobile phone, so that we can interact with the installed UWP app through winium ??

Your help will be very much useful.


NickAb commented 7 years ago

Attached logs suggest that there is still a problem with connecting to CodedUi server that is running on the device.

Please make sure that you modified registry as required, Windows Phone device is connected via USB and can be deployed to using Visual studio or AppDeploy. Also, you should have developer mode enabled.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I am getting those connectivity errors ONLY when i remove the "app" from desired capabilities. When i add the app in desired capability i will get error saying "Error in installing the package"

Now i am trying to use your second work-around to deploy the UWP app in Visual Studio

I am building/deploy the UWP app in visual studio 2015, what references related to winium should be added and where should we add so that the UWP app will install successfully through winium driver?

Can you please provide me detailed steps during deploying UWP app where I should reference the winium related dlls?

The main aim is i should be able to deploy the UWP appx on my windows 10 mobile phone using winium.storeapps.driver :)


sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I am actually trying to deploy UWP app which was developed on Visual studio 2015. Trying to install UWP app which is "arm" (UWPApp_ARM.appx) package on windows 10 mobile phone. The steps followed to run this was: -> Built the Winium.Storeapps.driver.exe on visual studio 2013 -> In the Test Sample edited the desired capabilitires section as follows: desired_capabilities = { 'deviceName': 'Device',

'deviceName': 'Emulator',

    'deviceIpAddress': 'localhost',
    'locale': 'en-US',
    'debugCodedUI': False,
    'app': r"..\..\Winium.StoreApps.TestApp\AppPackages\UWPApp_ARM_ARM"


-> Under "Winium.StoreApps.TestApp\AppPackages\UWPApp_ARM_ARM" path i have just placed my UWPApp_ARM_ARM.appx installer (tried by placing only this installer and this installer along with dependencies, where dependencies folder just had ARM dependencies). -> Executed the driver and then the tests got the below error.

I am getting error as "selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Unknown error: A packaging error prevented this application from installing."

Can you please tell me what i am missing here? or **

Is it possible to skip the installation of UWP app and directly start interacting with the installed UWP application on the windows 10 phone??


I just want to interact with the UWP app which is already installed on the windows phone so that i can skip the packaging error... :(

NickAb commented 7 years ago


You should be able to skip app installation by removing app capability from your desired capabilities.

I do not know how to best handle packaging error, this is due to the fact that we use AppDeploy code that was written for Windows Phone 8.1. It works for basic apps like sample app, but might fail for complex apps because of dependencies.

Take a look at https://github.com/2gis/Winium.Mobile/issues/116 . You can try deploying your appx manually to the device before trying to test it.

From: sravv [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 6:40 PM To: 2gis/Winium.StoreApps.CodedUi Winium.StoreApps.CodedUi@noreply.github.com Cc: Абалов Николай Владимирович n.abalov@2Gis.ru; Comment comment@noreply.github.com Subject: Re: [2gis/Winium.StoreApps.CodedUi] Cannot connect to Windows 10 phone (#35)

Hi Nick,

I am actually trying to deploy UWP app which was developed on Visual studio 2015. Trying to install UWP app which is "arm" (UWPApp_ARM.appx) package on windows 10 mobile phone. The steps followed to run this was: -> Built the Winium.Storeapps.driver.exe on visual studio 2013 -> In the Test Sample edited the desired capabilitires section as follows: desired_capabilities = { 'deviceName': 'Device',

'deviceName': 'Emulator',

'deviceIpAddress': 'localhost', 'locale': 'en-US', 'debugCodedUI': False, 'app': r"....\Winium.StoreApps.TestApp\AppPackages\UWPApp_ARM_ARM" r"\UWPApp_ARM_ARM.appx"


-> Under "Winium.StoreApps.TestApp\AppPackages\UWPApp_ARM_ARM" path i have just placed my UWPApp_ARM_ARM.appx installer (tried by placing only this installer and this installer along with dependencies, where dependencies folder just had ARM dependencies). -> Executed the driver and then the tests got the below error.

I am getting error as "selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Unknown error: A packaging error prevented this application from installing."

Can you please tell me what i am missing here? or **

Is it possible to skip the installation of UWP app and directly start interacting with the installed UWP application on the windows 10 phone??


I just want to interact with the UWP app which is already installed on the windows phone so that i can skip the packaging error... :(

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sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

Is it possible to give me the edited solution which skips the Installation of the UWP app and just proceeds to test the UI elements of the app?

Because when i removed the app capabilities , i was just getting error for connection. If i give the app capablities i was getting error for installing the package. It will be very usefull to proceed.


NickAb commented 7 years ago

Driver does skip app installation if app capability is empty. You can take a look at standard calendar example TestStandardCalendar

If you get connection error when app capability is empty, then you most likely did not forward ports correctly, or did not allow developer mode on device or host system.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

The driver is running with port 9999 and the registry key is been set to 9998. Both mobile and the host system are enabled with developer mode. When i remove "app" from desired capability i am getting connection error and when the app capability is given i am getting package error .. :( Can you please try once?

And also how will the driver come to know that which app to launch and test ? (If we skip the installation of the app)

NickAb commented 7 years ago

In test sample linked in my previous comment we use tile id to open calendar app:


Could you please confirm if this sample works for you on following:

sravv commented 7 years ago

Good to know that :)

But how to resolve that connection error? :( Can you please try once if you are also getting the same issue ? Because all the settings i have done as you told and as mentioned in the links. It would be great if there is any workaround that i have to follow to get rid of this connection error.


sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

One more doubt how do i get the tile id of the UWP app developed by me?

My mobile was not having the calendar app so may b it was failing to execute.


sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I actually wanted it to work only on Mobile but not on emulators or with win 8.1 so i did not try with those.

The mobile which i am using is not having calendar app maybe because of that its not able to launch and might be throwing "ERROR: Cannot connect to server ". So i am trying to see if i will be able to launch calculator app directly. My mobile is having calculator app , can you please give me the tile automation ID of calculator app so that i will try replace that in the python script and try to execute it again through self.driver.switch_to.window instead of calendar???

By this i can confirm that if there is actually a connection failure. Thanks in advance.. :)

NickAb commented 7 years ago

If it gives ERROR: Cannot connect to server, then it definitely problem with connecting to CodedUI server. For CodedUI you need premium VS license, what version of VS do you have?

One way to get tile id is to use driver itself. You need to open home screen on your connected device or emulator. Then run a test case that contains a call to PageSource command.

ps = self.driver.page_source


The output would contain an xml with tiles from your home screen with associated ids.

But this requires you to be able to connect to the server.

I would suggest you to try it out with Windows Phone 8.1 emulator and then Windows 10 Mobile emulator if 8.1 worked. This will help debug the problem by narrowing scope.

I just tested it on both Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10 Mobile emulators and it worked. I do not have access to Windows 10 Mobile device.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I am using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate with update 3. Is this fine or should i use some other VS ??

NickAb commented 7 years ago

VS 2013 Ultimate is what I've tested it on. So it should be ok.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I tried with windows 10 emulator( which i downloaded from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53424 ).

I buiild the solution and ran the winium.storeapps.driver.exe and then i executed the python script, i am getting the same error"Cannot connect to server" . I am attaching the logs and screenshot of the installed sample test app. DriverErrorLogs.txt PythonErrorLogs.txt Test_Sample_PythonScript.txt emulatortestapp

Can you please tell me what is that i am missing here because on the emulator also it is not working :( . Is the test app that got deployed on the app is correct and proper app? (because when i built the app i was getting different package name built)


sravv commented 7 years ago

For your information is the ip address of my host machine.

NickAb commented 7 years ago

Have you enabled developer mode on your Windows 10 Desktop machine from which you run your tests? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/get-started/enable-your-device-for-development

Also, I just updated master to include some logging for unhandled exceptions. Could you please:

  1. Rebuild form latest master
  2. Add debugCaptureLogs capability set to True
  3. And try again.

Once debugCaptureLogs capability is set to true your logs should include line similar to [DEBUG] VSTEST: Results File: {path}\TestResults\{filename}.trx. This log file will include any logs from CodedUI server.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I have enabled developer mode in my win10 desktop machine.

If I download the code from the same link which I downloaded previously, will i get the latest master code?

NickAb commented 7 years ago

You can download latest source in master from this link https://github.com/2gis/Winium.StoreApps.CodedUi/archive/master.zip

But you will need to build it yourself

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I have downloaded the latest source from https://github.com/2gis/Winium.StoreApps.CodedUi/archive/master.zip and built it.

I am attaching the driver logs and python logs, python script. Please let me know if you need anything else. DriverLogs.txt PythonErrorLogs.txt Test_Sample_PythonScript.txt

NickAb commented 7 years ago

Do you have TestResults folder (next to driver executable) with *.trx files in it?

Your logs are missing [DEBUG] VSTEST: Results File: {path}\TestResults\{filename}.trx lines, so either you run old version of driver, or you have a problem with VSTEST or CodedUI.

sravv commented 7 years ago

Hi Nick,

I have taken the latest code given by you https://github.com/2gis/Winium.StoreApps.CodedUi/archive/master.zip and built it. And in the python script I added the CaptureLogs part and executed the driver/script. I am not getting any TestResults folder.. :(

Anything i am missing here? The code link which you gave was updated?


sravv commented 7 years ago

Nick, My physical machine is dual OS (both win10_x64), if this is causing any problem?

NickAb commented 7 years ago

Do not think so, but I do not know why it does not work for you, sorry.

You can try setting debugCodedUi capability to true, then start CodedUiTestMethod1 from Winium.StoreApps.CodedUITestProject manually in debug mode. After that you can start driver and try to run your tests. This way you would be able to see if our CodedUI test server was able to start successfully and if there are any exceptions in it.