At AGU there will opportunities to markets, showcase, and sell the 2i2c platform and services. Part of the vision of 2i2 is create a shared future where 'sharing' leads to learning and discovery. We want to demonstrate examples of what we mean by converting a 'Reader' to a 'Collaborator'.
The enabling technologies we want to showcase are:
content rendering to HTML with myst for readers
launching into a JupyterHub environment with authentication via GitHub
nbgitpuller powered 'magic link' that wraps the launch/git clone/git pull workflow
dynamic image building for environment management (repo2docker)
Ideally, we do not want to create new content that we are not already committed to creating. But, it is acceptable to package existing content with these tools to create compelling demos.
At AGU there will opportunities to markets, showcase, and sell the 2i2c platform and services. Part of the vision of 2i2 is create a shared future where 'sharing' leads to learning and discovery. We want to demonstrate examples of what we mean by converting a 'Reader' to a 'Collaborator'.
The enabling technologies we want to showcase are:
Ideally, we do not want to create new content that we are not already committed to creating. But, it is acceptable to package existing content with these tools to create compelling demos.