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Documentation for 2i2c community JupyterHubs.
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Create how-to on using dask-gateway for communities #224

Closed jmunroe closed 1 month ago

jmunroe commented 2 months ago

We have a support question regarding dask-gateway: https://2i2c.freshdesk.com/a/tickets/1502

This is suggest that we need to update/review our documentation on dask-gateway.

In Review/Waiting

Review of first draft requested in PR https://github.com/2i2c-org/docs/pull/228.

consideRatio commented 2 months ago

Ideas on how to deliniate what to document

I think it could be good to try draw a line between setting starting dask-gateway clusters etc and working against it. Setting up a dask-gateway cluster for a user in a 2i2c hub means to use a dask-gateway client to request its creation and various details.

Using the dask-gateway created dask cluster shouldn't require dask-gateway specific details, its just typical dask work against a scheduler + workers - they just happened to be created via dask-gateway.

The docs of relevance can be grouped in:

  1. Use of dask-gateway client in 2i2c hubs to create dask clusters This could be docs in dask/dask-gateway to some degree, but not fully, because we pre-configure things that isn't obvious you would pre-configure - such as using the same docker image for scheduler/worker pods as the user image. Due to this, I think we merit from having our own docs page about this topic and not trying to upstream this or similar.
  2. Use of dask to work against a dask cluster This shouldn't be 2i2c specific, and ideally we settle with providing a basic example on doing test work.
  3. More in depth technical notes on 2i2c's dask-gateway setup We've made misc decisions that can influence users that should be documented somewhere.
    • dask-scheduler pod's memory/cpu resource requests
    • use of cheaper pre-emptible nodes, and use of 16 CPU / 128GB machines currently
    • ...

Example code to create a dask-gateway cluster

Here is code from input cells + screenshots of output cells in a jupyter notebook I use to test dask-gateway function as its setup in 2i2c hubs. This can be tested via https://dask-staging.2i2c.cloud.

# Create a gateway object to speak with dask-gateway,
# which in turn can create the dask cluster for you.
from dask_gateway import Gateway
gateway = Gateway()
# Request information about the options you can configure
# on a to-be-created dask cluster.
# All options are optional.
options = gateway.cluster_options()


# Now let's create a cluster. After running this cell, you get 
# a control panel view to add/remote workers. Manually add at
# least one.
# If a new server needs to be started, it will take take ~5 minutes
# for it to register and update the numbers of workers.
cluster = gateway.new_cluster(options)


jnywong commented 1 month ago

Sorry I've been unable to make progress as I have just only finished work on https://github.com/2i2c-org/team-compass/pull/859. This item on documenting dask-gateway will be committed to my next sprint today.

Thank you Erik for providing guidance on scope and context. I don't have a great deal of experience using dask-gateway, so these notes are appreciated.

colliand commented 1 month ago

2024-05-09. @jnywong is serving as shepherd on this one. This will likely be addressed in the next sprint. This is not critical but needs to be written. This can be pulled into next iteration so that an associated FreshDesk ticket can be closed.

@choldgraf asks where will the documentation appear as SSOT? The mirrored documentation in the 2i2c site will be dropped in favor fo the docs site.

jnywong commented 1 month ago

EDIT: Ah I've just figured out that the 'Configurator' was set to quay.io/jupyter/scipy-notebook:2024-03-18. Does this need to be changed back?


The workflow above worked for me last week, but I am now having trouble reproducing this workflow on https://dask-staging.2i2c.cloud/.

I think the configs specify pangeo/pangeo-notebooks:latest for the image to pull, however on the hub I get the quay.io/jupyter/scipy-notebook:2024-03-18 image, which does not have dask-gateway installed.

jovyan@jupyter-jwong-402i2c-2eorg:~$ env | grep IMAGE

Currently working around this by manually specifying a custom image on the Community Showcase Hub instead.

consideRatio commented 1 month ago

@jnywong I reset the dask-staging hub to use pangeo/pangeo-notebook:latest again, I figure that makes sense for that hub to use! I think it could have been me that updated it to scipy and forgot to change it back, sorry for the trouble!

jnywong commented 1 month ago

Reference material for some technical context as to why we resource dask clusters the way we do: https://github.com/2i2c-org/infrastructure/issues/2687