2i2c-org / team-compass

Organizational strategy, structure, policy, and practices across 2i2c.
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[Proposal] Create @support-stewards and @meeting-facilitators Slack teams #475

Closed sgibson91 closed 2 years ago

sgibson91 commented 2 years ago


I built https://github.com/2i2c-org/team-roles-geekbot-sweep to allow us to create geekbot standups to notify team members when they should be serving in a specific role. This uses the @tech-team team on Slack as our source of truth for who serves in these roles.

However, if https://github.com/2i2c-org/team-compass/issues/458 is accepted, then we would have to remove Erik from the @tech-team Slack team, and he would also stepping down as a possible meeting facilitator as well.

Regardless of whether or not Erik chooses to fully step down from all these responsibilities or just the support steward, we should make it more flexible for two scenarios: i) anyone to be a meeting facilitator but not a support steward (or vice versa), and ii) allow anyone not in the tech-team to take up these roles, e.g., folk from leads and partnerships if they wish, or a dedicated support team if and when we build one.


I propose that we create two new teams in our Slack workspace (naming convention is up for negotiation!):

This will decouple these roles from membership of @tech-team and allow folk to choose which roles they would prefer to serve in (when we're big enough for such choices to be available).

Updates and actions

If we agree this is a good idea, then the technical steps are:

damianavila commented 2 years ago

It makes total sense to me to add more granularity here.

choldgraf commented 2 years ago

This is a cool idea - we could even auto populate some headshots to show the latest members of each group in our team compass or something. πŸ‘

sgibson91 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I think we might be able to pull people's Slack profile pics

sgibson91 commented 2 years ago

I am not an admin on the workspace so I can't action this proposal btw https://2i2c.slack.com/account/workspace-settings#admins I was going to just do it since we had some agreements on this thread

damianavila commented 2 years ago

Somehow it seems I am actually an admin! And I gave you admin powers, @sgibson91.

Screen Shot 2022-08-21 at 18 41 28

Use them wisely... 😜


sgibson91 commented 2 years ago

Thank you @damianavila!

sgibson91 commented 2 years ago

Ok, I created the two teams and added everyone who was already on the roster for both meeting facilitator and support steward to the new teams (I haven't added James yet, should we?) I also updated the code a bit to handle all this. I suggest we close this issue now.

This is a cool idea - we could even auto populate some headshots to show the latest members of each group in our team compass or something. πŸ‘

This we should track in a new issue before I end up going down a rabbit hole with it and avoiding my other responsibilities πŸ˜„

Update: New issue here: https://github.com/2i2c-org/team-compass/issues/494

damianavila commented 2 years ago

(I haven't added James yet, should we?)

I think so, at least for now...

sgibson91 commented 2 years ago
