2lbProgramming / FictionCompiler

A foolish attempt to create a new declarative language for the creation of Interactive Fiction and Visual Novels.
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What Implementation Language Should We Use? #1

Open Textmode opened 8 years ago

Textmode commented 8 years ago

Personally, my strongest languages are C and Lua, but I feel that a project like this deserves something more intrinsically portable.

What are your thoughts, can you think of any better options? Should we just go with C?

Textmode commented 8 years ago

From IRC:

[21:43:31] <tmillc> I didn't have fun when I used java, so vote no to JVM. I liked ruby more than python in my brief survey, so meh. I would probably be employable with some C# so eh. Really I'll go along with whatever.

llllvvuu commented 8 years ago

My feels:

The only parser-generators I've worked with for designing compilers are ANTLR and Happy. I don't know how deep into parsing we need to go but the frameworks are pretty much all the same anyway

Textmode commented 8 years ago

While we're still discussing the form of the language, I don't see a need to get particularly fancy. so parsing shouldn't be a problem for the language itself is concerned. the ingame parser is a different story, but we probably aren't going to find an off-the-shelf parser for that, and even if we did I don't like our chances of getting it to spit out somethign we can use in an arbitary bytecode (Glulx et al).

enitiz commented 8 years ago

How about Elixir?

Textmode commented 8 years ago

Sounds like it runs on the Erlang VM. While I suppose thats technically portable, I do remember it being a bit of a chore to set up, which isn't great for what is meant primarily as end-user software.

Correct me if I have the wrong impression of Erlang/Elixir.

enitiz commented 8 years ago

That's a good point. I'm not too familiar with Elixir myself (it seems to be getting some traction lately). I would investigate a bit on this as well.