2metres / typographic

Easy SCSS or Stylus responsive typography with vertical rhythm, modular scale, font stacks, and more.
MIT License
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Port to PostCSS #42

Open dacodekid opened 9 years ago

dacodekid commented 9 years ago

Hi, Do you have any plan to port this one to PortCSS as well?

tunnckoCore commented 9 years ago

@dacodekid I've thought that this morning, lol. maybe I'll try as soon as I can.

tunnckoCore commented 9 years ago

another good idea is to build stylus/sass/scss to postcss transformer, hm.

tunnckoCore commented 9 years ago

@corysimmons oooohohoo, no no, I cant :D

it seems it would be something like postcss-lost

corysimmons commented 9 years ago

I've considered it and might end up doing it in the future, but right now I think Typographic is really just a single mixin so it doesn't really make sense to port it all to PostCSS.

corysimmons commented 9 years ago

I might do it in the future just so it works with LESS and vanilla CSS from one codebase. :X

tunnckoCore commented 9 years ago

from one codebase

it would be hard, imo

also the compilier/transformer idea wasn't so good and also be too hard and complex.

when I have little more time will review the raw css from the demo page to understand it and rewrite it as postcss :)

madeleineostoja commented 9 years ago

Would love this as a postcss plugin. Sure it'd be tiny, but still super handy IMO. Could strip it right down to the vw calc() media queries (as a custom property? like typographic: minwidth maxwidth), and use something like https://github.com/markgoodyear/postcss-vertical-rhythm to simplify vert rhythm for headings and such.

madeleineostoja commented 8 years ago

So I went ahead and built a postcss plugin around the core sizing logic of Typographic, checkit https://github.com/seaneking/postcss-responsive-type.

You can use it with Stylus through PostStylus.

corysimmons commented 8 years ago

This is awesome!

corysimmons commented 8 years ago

Does it do any of that vertical rhythm crap or is it just nice and clean?

madeleineostoja commented 8 years ago

Heh nup it's pretty minimal, literally just the core calc font sizing and associated media queries. For memory there's already a couple of postcss plugins in the wild that do vert rhythm related things.

corysimmons commented 8 years ago

Awesome. I'll definitely be using this in the future.

janwirth commented 8 years ago

@seaneking are you talking about postcss-vertical-rhythm? Are they compatible? Because responsive-type is outputting calculations whiches are not defined as compatible with the vert rhythm plugin.

madeleineostoja commented 8 years ago

@FranzSkuffka tbh I've never used any vert-rhythm plugin (prefer to define that stuff myself), but after a quick skim it seems it requires you to use the font shorthand on body. Currently postcss-responsive-type only parses font-size rules. Feel free to open an issue on postcss-responsive-type for it, but not sure when/if I'll be able to get to it.

janwirth commented 8 years ago

I will just stick to this one right here for now. What method or technique are you using for creating a vertical rhythm?

corysimmons commented 8 years ago

Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. I have my ups and downs with being a good maintainer.

I'm planning on migrating this project to PostCSS in the next month or so, and when I do, I'll probably rewrite it from scratch and include vertical rhythm.

@seaneking Love what you did with https://github.com/seaneking/postcss-responsive-type It's super simple and clean and easy to use...

The new version of Typgraphic will try to serve typophiles (that's why I'm even gonna make it), but in day-to-day use, I'd personally prefer your project. :+1:

rlam3 commented 8 years ago

so we just need to install postcss to use typographic now? is there a configuration example to use with gulp? Thanks!

janwirth commented 8 years ago

@rlam3 no, you can use seaneking's package though, which handles the fluid scaling only.

corysimmons commented 8 years ago

@rlam3 You can continue using the Stylus/Sass version of Typographic for now, but in the future I'm going to do a major version release that completely rewrites this project from the ground up using PostCSS only.

Or use Seane's cool typography stuff.