2shady4u / godot-sqlite

GDExtension wrapper for SQLite (Godot 4.x+)
MIT License
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Altering database structure #152

Open Kriso23 opened 11 months ago

Kriso23 commented 11 months ago

Hi there, Wondering if there is any way for me to alter my database structure that is persistent? For example I'm making a game with future planned features and I want to be able to add columns or split tables into 2 etc. What methods are available to me to do this? I guess what I'm asking is how does migration work with this addon?

Kriso23 commented 11 months ago

Because I could write a function which stores old data in dictionaries and adds it as rows to a new db but what if the user is 2 alterations behind? feels like it will get cumbersome quickly

2shady4u commented 11 months ago

Hello @Kriso23,

Other users have devised methods to update their databases depending on a version entry in their database. The best way, according to them, seems to be to update your outdated databases using so-called "migrations". (Django does this for example)

This can either be implemented in GDScript or in C++, the choice is yours.

Unfortunately this feature is not part of the scope of godot-sqlite and no native method will ever be implemented in this repository.

cridenour commented 10 months ago

@Kriso23 if you're looking for some code for migrations:

First have a migrations table.

CREATE TABLE migrations
    migration_name TEXT NOT NULL
        PRIMARY KEY,
    applied        TEXT NOT NULL

Second, where you manage your database, keep a GDScript Array of Dictionaries of migration names and functions.

var migrations: Array[Dictionary] = [
    'name': '001_save_meta',
    'apply': migration_001_save_meta,

Then after you load your database, you can check where that file has been migrated and move it along.

func migrate() -> void:
  # Checks what migrations we have applied and apply any missing
  var db_results := query('SELECT migration_name FROM migrations')
  var applied: Array[String] = []
  for result in db_results:

  var ok: bool  
  for migration in migrations:
    if !applied.has(migration['name']):
      query('BEGIN TRANSACTION')
      ok = migration['apply'].call()
      if ok:
        query('INSERT INTO migrations (migration_name, applied) VALUES (?, ?)', [migration['name'], Time.get_datetime_string_from_system()])
        query('COMMIT TRANSACTION')

        push_error('Could not upgrade save file. Failed at %s' % migration['name'])
        # TODO: Show user error

In this case, query is a helper function over _db.query_with_bindings where _db is my SQLite variable.

And migration_001_save_meta and other migration functions just return true/false based on success. Most are just a bunch of query calls or running SQL from a file.

Hope that helps!