2xsaiko / HCTM

2xsaiko's tech mod
12 stars 4 forks source link

[Suggestion] Merge with other projects #28

Closed TimGoll closed 5 years ago

TimGoll commented 5 years ago

I'm waiting for a new RedPower for years! And yesterday I found your mod alongside with two others. All three mods have a common theme: RedPower. It would be great if the three of you would consider merging your projects together and start working on a RedPower 3 mod

Simple Logic (Charset) by @asiekierka (https://github.com/CharsetMC/Charset / https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/simplelogic-gates)

Teckle by @TheCodedOne (https://github.com/elytra/Teckle / https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/teckle)

asiekierka commented 5 years ago

That is so not happening.

We will most likely add compatibility between each other, but cooperation is exceedingly unlikely.

TimGoll commented 5 years ago

Ok. Thanks anyway :)

TheCodedOne commented 5 years ago

I'm not against it but i know all 3 of us have different visions for what we want to do with our respective mods, so fitting them all together could just become a giant janky mess

2xsaiko commented 5 years ago

Yeah, merging the mods is not going to happen, at least not right now. Compatibility is definitely going to be a thing though, at least from my side. I had Teckle and Charset compat in old versions of RetroComputers, and it will most likely come back. In fact, Charset wire compat is working again as of 2 days ago.