3-Round-Stones / callimachus

Callimachus is a highly scalable platform for creating and running data-driven websites
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Cannot create layout outside home folder #200

Closed edwardsph closed 9 years ago

edwardsph commented 9 years ago

Goal: Create a layout with associated files in a "themes" folder Problem: There doesn't appear to be a way to save a new layout in a sub-folder, nor can you search for an existing layout file. Test environment: Callimachus OS 1.4.0, Windows 7, Chrome browser 39.0.2171.95 m

To reproduce this problem from a clean installation:

The workaround was to execute the following spaql:

<http://localhost/> <http://callimachusproject.org/rdf/2009/framework#layout> <http://localhost/callimachus/default-layout.xq> 
<http://localhost/> <http://callimachusproject.org/rdf/2009/framework#layout> <http://localhost/themes/my-layout.xq> 
} WHERE {}
catch-point commented 9 years ago

Such a solution should also include documentation as to how to modify the layout. Such as http://callimachusproject.org/docs/1.3/callimachus-for-web-developers.docbook?view#Home_Folder_Edit_Tab

catch-point commented 9 years ago

See http://callimachusproject.org/docs/1.4/getting-started-with-callimachus.docbook?view#Home_Folder_Edit_Tab