3-Round-Stones / callimachus

Callimachus is a highly scalable platform for creating and running data-driven websites
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Theme widget missing #210

Closed edwardsph closed 9 years ago

edwardsph commented 9 years ago

On 1.4.1 RC, whilst editing the home folder, the theme widget mentioned in the documentation is missing. However, you can type a filename in and add it in order to create a new theme in your chosen location.

catch-point commented 9 years ago

Can you be more specific? Looking at http://callimachusproject.org/docs/1.4/getting-started-with-callimachus.docbook?view it only says "Click the widget below Layout", which is the drop-down/input box below the label and is present.

edwardsph commented 9 years ago

Sorry - my misunderstanding. Of course the drop-down is a widget but I was looking for something like the icon beside authentication and credentials.

catch-point commented 9 years ago

What change to the documentation would you suggest?

edwardsph commented 9 years ago

It might be worth avoiding the generic term "widget" and saying "drop-down" or "selector" since that is what it appears to be on first sight. The additional features of the widget are only exposed when you continue with the instructions.