30350n / tht-frames

Through-hole version of Mutable Instruments Frames
15 stars 2 forks source link

A Couple of (Stupid) Questions #1

Open angiamusic opened 3 years ago

angiamusic commented 3 years ago


First of all, thank you so much for this project! It's always lovely to see more and more Mutable designs being adapted to THT, especially for amateurs in SDIY like myself.

I had a couple of questions if you didn't mind:

  1. Is this project actually complete and ready to get PCBs made, or is it still WIP? I ask because I haven't been able to come across this elsewhere and only stumbled upon it through the "eurorack" topic on Git.

  2. Will the Printable Instruments Frames panel work with this, along with any other Frames panel, or does this require it's own panel design?

  3. Is there an official BOM? I was able to gather one from the kicad files, but I would like to know if you have an official one in case there are amendments that I missed.

Thank you for your work, and I look forward to this as my next project!


30350n commented 3 years ago


Sure, I'll try to answer them as good as I can:

  1. This project is basically complete, I already ordered a first batch and assembled it. There were some minor issues which I fixed (see https://github.com/30350n/tht-frames/commit/59306a8ae20bcc9e90746306323c4285c5344e31, https://github.com/30350n/tht-frames/commit/50d177925b66d5548b39c43762f530c301673435, https://github.com/30350n/tht-frames/commit/25838d59e854389ca7136ca0f5d0b7b73fe9cf8d).

  2. This should fit any standard Frames panel, including the printable-instruments ones of course. (I'm using those myself, ordered them in the same batch and they fit perfectly).

  3. I haven't found time to put together a proper bom, you should be able to generate one in KiCad though. Parts should be fairly standard/have standard packages, the most important thing is that you get a STM32F103CBT6 with 128kB of RAM.

If you actually build this, make sure to share your experiences! And if you run into any issues along the way, just ask me here or via discord (Bobbe#8552).

Thanks a lot for checking out the project!

30350n commented 3 years ago

Two more things I forgot:

angiamusic commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your reply! I am getting PCBs manufactured currently, after having built the THT Braids I'm really looking forward to starting this build. :)

Hope to see the modified firmware soon too.

30350n commented 3 years ago

Just added a software patch, aswell as some more information to the README and a release containing a pre-compiled .hex file. ^^

pierstu commented 3 years ago

Hello, i'm about to send the pcbs to fab too! Thanks for this project. I'm having an error when trying to compile Parasite for Frames tht

build/frames-parasite/startup_stm32f10x_md.o: In functionLoopFillZerobss': (.text.Reset_Handler+0x2e): undefined reference to main' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [build/frames-parasite/frames-parasite.elf] Error 1 vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/vagrant/eurorack-modules$

Win 10 last week update, vbox 6.1.16, vagrant 2.2.14 Anyone could guess better than me whats going on?

Thanks for this great project @30350n, hope we'll have more and more of these Mutable tht ports

30350n commented 3 years ago

Hey! Thanks for checking out the project. I actually didn't knew a parasites firmware for frames existed, but I just tried to replicated your issue and well ... this has been quite a bumpy road... ^^

Two questions:

Regardless, this is what I just did to get it working:

  1. setup the mutable-dev-environment normally, with the default eurorack repository
  2. add the parasites repository as a remote and checkout it's master branch (this might require you to create a second, local "parasites-master" branch)
  3. go into the stmlib folder/submodule and checkout the master branch of the original repository (this was necessary for me, because it otherwise tried to call the compiler from /usr/local/gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q3/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ instead of /usr/local/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ (this could probably also be fixed by properly installing that version of the toolchain, but I didn't bother))
  4. apply the tht-frames.patch from this repository and build the code via make -f frames/makefile hex

Note: I actually use make -f frames/makefile upload, without a connected programmer (because that generates the frames_bootloader_combo.hex) and then flash it manually via the STM32CubeProgrammer utility on Windows.

30350n commented 3 years ago

Here's the hex file btw, if you don't want to mess with building it yourself. ^^

pierstu commented 3 years ago

Thank you! I downloaded the Parasite zip from github, renamed the frames folder to frames-parasite and pasted it into the eurorack folder. I often rename the target dirs in the makefiles to get a corresponding output in the build folder, so it's more clear. Thanks for the build anyway !

30350n commented 3 years ago

Ah okay, maybe the renaming somehow messed up the linking process. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

ijnekenamay commented 2 years ago

Hello! It appears that the specified microcontroller (robotdyn) is currently out of stock. It seems that 128kb blue pill is a kind of mutant and hard to find in the market. Is there any store where I can easily get it now?

30350n commented 2 years ago

Yeah, 128kb blue pills have pretty much become complete unobtainium in the last year and a half or so. Normal 64k ones are still available and i've heard of people being lucky and getting 128k variants when buying 64k variants, but it's a gamble. I'm not really sure where I'd get one at this point in time either, sorry :/

Genmaizen commented 1 year ago

Hi Bobbe, I´m TL1A from Kristian´s Discord server. I built your THT-Frames yesterday. The PCBs look very nice and it was easy to solder all the parts (sourced most of them from TME.eu). I used an AS2164 (electric druid) instead of the V2164.

Unfortunately, the Frame animation acts erratic. I try to explain it in the following using the walkthrough example from Emilie:

The above three steps behave normally. But now when moving the Frames knob back and forth there is no animation like programmed. The LEDs 1 and 2 lights somehow get dimmer, but do not go out when they should and eventually light up fully and stay like that. The VCO sound (saw and square) moves in loudness like indicated by the LED 1 and 2 indicators. The keyframe indicators and the FRAME knobs behave like that:

It get´s even stranger when I move the Attenuator knobs. Then the LED 1 and 2 also begin to flicker and the saw and square wave sound changes to a high pitched noise. This behaviour changes a bit when moving several times through the Frames. Also, when powering up without reset or after the second powerup the flickering already starts after setting the first Frame. I also noticed that different STM32 act differently - more or less flickering, distortion or eratic behaviour. To sum up, in principle the Frame animation acts erratic.


Well, that is about it. Sorry for the long read. I am out of ideas what to test further… But yeah that´s the DIY way 😊 Do you or anybody have ideas? Thanks very much!

Genmaizen commented 1 year ago

Calibration (holding DEL button when powering up) does not solve the issue. I also loaded the parasites firmware on the module just for testing the calibration because for this firmware the above calibration method is explicitly described. Also this did not solve the issue. On Modwiggler I read that some people have similar problems, although with the original MI Frames: https://www.modwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=3820306&hilit=frames+calibration#p3820306

Genmaizen commented 1 year ago

I used an LM4040BIZ-10NOPB for the 10 V reference. At the offset pins I measure 5.742 and 11.228 Volts. At the LM4040BIZ itself I measure 11.542 Volts. Is that a clue?

30350n commented 1 year ago

The flickering sounds like a power issue or issue with the mcu, as these are directly driven by it (via PWM probably).

I also noticed that different STM32 act differently - more or less flickering, distortion or eratic behaviour.

This also makes me think it's just a defective/out of spec bluepill module, I'd probably try replacing that.

I used an LM4040BIZ-10NOPB for the 10 V reference. At the offset pins I measure 5.742 and 11.228 Volts. At the LM4040BIZ itself I measure 11.542 Volts. Is that a clue?

That's definitely not right and either sounds like your LM4040 is defective, not soldered properly or just really out of spec. The B variant should have a +-0.2% tolerance, so pin 1 should be off by 20mV at most. Where did you get it from? That being said, It isn't directly connected to the mcu, so it shouldn't have any effect on the flickering issue.

Genmaizen commented 1 year ago

Thanks very much for your comments!

I bought the LM4040 at tme.eu. I tried to somehow measure another one out of this batch, but it is not easy to build up the test circuit for that because one needs a load on the LM4040... I also was a bit confused concerning the pin description in the schematic. 1 is cathode and 2 is anode. 1 and 2 should mean Pin 1 and Pin 2 of the LM4040? However in the LM4040BIZ-10NOPB documentation Pin 1 is anode and Pin 2 is cathode. Is this something?

30350n commented 1 year ago

Hah! Yeah okay, the LM4040 is on me, seems like I swapped the pins and never even noticed ... Welllll, I should probably fix that at some point 😅 .

Genmaizen commented 1 year ago

Wohoooo, I contributed 😉

Anyhow, do I understand it correctly that this is just a schematic designation issue and not a PCB problem. So I don´t have to cross the legs of the LM4040 on the PCB? That means, the silkscreen shows the correct orientation of the LM4040.

30350n commented 1 year ago

No, it is a PCB problem, but it shouldn't matter much. If you want the offset to work correctly, you should solder it like this. image

Genmaizen commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks! I can confirm that after soldering the LM4040 like shown above, the offset is correct. 👍