3035app / pialab

PiaLab Angular app
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error when i try to export #53

Closed GhostRock37 closed 6 years ago

GhostRock37 commented 6 years ago


I have an error when i trying to export. Here is the mistake:


Another question: do you know if the export / import functions will be compatible with the portable client PIA (cnil) version. Example: if I export a PIA with the CNIL portable tool (json format), will it be possible to import it into your version (to use an existing one for example)?

thank you

PapsOu commented 6 years ago

Hello @GhostRock37.

This button should not be displayed. I've made a fix this morning about this button (I simply removed it) because Processings exports/imports are still not usable.

About the compatibility with original PIA application, there is a work in progress to permit imports of original PIA's under existing Processings. So importing an original PIA into PiaLab will work without any problems (you should be under the right Processing before importing any PIA). The inverse behavior won't be possible (exporting form PiaLab and importing into PIA) because Processings introduces a new model architecture that breaks with the old one..