Open BlueStarBRS opened 1 year ago
i whas playing the Fontaine Archon Quest (Part 1) and before i have to wait 1 day in game for the next quest step i got the bug that my unlokcer can´t unlock more then 60fps but i whas able to lower my fps with it
Im using Version 2.1.1 My GPU Driver is: Nvidea 536.99 Im using unlocker Version 2.1.1 this are my settings
"DllList": [], "Priority": 1, "MonitorNum": 1, "CustomResY": 1080, "CustomResX": 1920, "FPSTarget": 144, "UsePowerSave": false, "StartMinimized": true, "IsExclusiveFullscreen": false, "UseCustomRes": false, "Fullscreen": false, "PopupWindow": false, "AutoClose": true, "AutoDisableVSync": true, "AutoStart": true, "GamePath": "D:\\Games\\Genshin Impact Game\\GenshinImpact.exe" }```
i whas playing the Fontaine Archon Quest (Part 1) and before i have to wait 1 day in game for the next quest step i got the bug that my unlokcer can´t unlock more then 60fps but i whas able to lower my fps with it
Im using Version 2.1.1 My GPU Driver is: Nvidea 536.99 Im using unlocker Version 2.1.1 this are my settings