370025263 / openmines

an open-pit mine traffic simulator for mining truck dispatch algorithms
MIT License
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Add a networkX/dictionary based road network with labelled edges. #6

Open am4321 opened 2 months ago

am4321 commented 2 months ago

Is it possible to add a networkX graph of the haul road network with labels on the edges for one-way, stop etc. This would make the simulation more practical. Vertices can also be labelled as source and destinations with dictionaries given on how much material is to be moved from each source to the each destination.

370025263 commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your suggestion, @am4321. This is an excellent idea that aligns well with our goals to make OpenMines more practical and flexible for real-world mining scenarios.

i'm working on 0.2.0, introducing a fine gym environment. the issues you suggetested may be added in ver 0.3.0.