39aldo39 / klfc

Keyboard Layout Files Creator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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OEM_102 not present #32

Open gargle opened 3 years ago

gargle commented 3 years ago

I had to do this after generating my klc file. This is a bug I think. The left | key didn't show up first. After modifying the second OEM_5 instance to OEM_102 everything worked as planned.

diff --git a/altgr-weur.klc b/altgr-weur.klc index a093400..431bea8 100644 --- a/altgr-weur.klc +++ b/altgr-weur.klc @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ LAYOUT 34 OEM_PERIOD 0 002e 003e 0153 0152 // QWERTY .: ., >, œ, Œ 35 OEM_2 0 002f 003f 00bf 002f@ // QWERTY /: /, ?, ¿, cdk:stroke 2b OEM_5 0 005c 007c e000@ 00a6 // QWERTY \: \, |, cdk:greek, ¦ -56 OEM_5 0 005c 007c e001@ 00a6 // QWERTY Iso: \, |, cdk:greek, ¦ +56 OEM_102 0 005c 007c e001@ 00a6 // QWERTY Iso: \, |, cdk:greek, ¦

DEADKEY 0060 // grave

39aldo39 commented 3 years ago

This has to do with the shortcut positions (virtual keys in Windows), which OEM_5, OEM_102 etc. represent. To get the desired output you have to change

{ "pos": "Iso", "letters": ... }


{ "pos": "Iso", "shortcutPos": "Iso", "letters": ... }

in your JSON file. If this is not explicitly stated klfc guesses it based on the letters, which is why it maps it to the backslash key.

Nevertheless, I think it should still work, but with only shortcuts (and some others) affected. What exactly didn't work?

gargle commented 3 years ago

I used --from-xkb actually. OEM_102 was missing in the output. There were two OEM_5 entries. I changed the second OEM_5 entry. The diff output shows I only had to change OEM_5 into OEM_102. The other fields stayed the same.

-56 OEM_5 0 005c 007c e001@ 00a6 // QWERTY Iso: , |, cdk:greek, ¦ +56 OEM_102 0 005c 007c e001@ 00a6 // QWERTY Iso: , |, cdk:greek, ¦

gargle commented 3 years ago

This is what I did initially, as you can see I don't have an OEM_102 in the output. The input file is a bit different today than it was on the 11th of March, but the problem stays.

gargle@msi:/tmp/k$ ./klfc --from-xkb "/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us(altgr-weur)" --klc . klfc: warning: singleton keys are not supported in KLC. gargle@msi:/tmp/k$ grep OEM us-altgr-weur.klc 29 OEM_3 0 0060 007e 0060@ 007e@ // QWERTY ~: `, ~, cdk:grave, cdk:tilde 0c OEMMINUS 0 002d 005f 2013 2014 // QWERTY -: -, , –, — 0d OEM_PLUS 0 003d 002b 00b0 02da@ // QWERTY +: =, +, °, cdk:abovering 1a OEM_4 0 005b 007b 00ab 2039 // QWERTY [: [, {, «, ‹ 1b OEM_6 0 005d 007d 00bb 203a // QWERTY ]: ], }, », › 27 OEM_1 0 003b 003a 00f4 00d4 // QWERTY ;: ;, :, ô, Ô 28 OEM_7 0 0027 0022 00b4@ 00a8@ // QWERTY ': ', ", cdk:acute, cdk:diaeresis 33 OEM_COMMA 0 002c 003c 00b8@ 02db@ // QWERTY ,: ,, <, cdk:cedilla, cdk:ogonek 34 OEM_PERIOD 0 002e 003e 0153 0152 // QWERTY .: ., >, œ, Œ 35 OEM_2 0 002f 003f 00bf 002f@ // QWERTY /: /, ?, ¿, cdk:stroke 2b OEM_5 0 005c 007c 0133 0132 // QWERTY \: \, |, ij, IJ

gargle commented 3 years ago

this is the altgr-weur part of the input file:

xkb_symbols "altgr-weur" {

   name[Group1]= "English (Western European AltGr dead keys)";

   key <TLDE> { [     grave, asciitilde,      dead_grave,        dead_tilde ] };
   key <AE01> { [         1,     exclam,      exclamdown,     dead_abovedot ] };
   key <AE02> { [         2,         at,     twosuperior,  dead_doubleacute ] };
   key <AE03> { [         3, numbersign,   threesuperior,       dead_macron ] };
   key <AE04> { [         4,     dollar,            cent,               yen ] };
   key <AE05> { [         5,    percent,        EuroSign,          sterling ] };
   key <AE06> { [         6,asciicircum, dead_circumflex,        dead_caron ] };
   key <AE07> { [ 7,      ampersand, doublelowquotemark, singlelowquotemark ] };
   key <AE08> { [ 8,           asterisk,          ssharp,        dead_greek ] };
   key <AE09> { [ 9, parenleft,   leftdoublequotemark,  leftsinglequotemark ] };
   key <AE10> { [ 0, parenright, rightdoublequotemark, rightsinglequotemark ] };
   key <AE11> { [     minus, underscore,          endash,            emdash ] };
   key <AE12> { [     equal,       plus,          degree,    dead_abovering ] };

   key <AD01> { [         q,          Q,           aring,             Aring ] };
   key <AD02> { [         w,          W,              ae,                AE ] };
   key <AD03> { [         e,          E,      ediaeresis,        Ediaeresis ] };
   key <AD04> { [         r,          R,          egrave,            Egrave ] };
   key <AD05> { [         t,          T,          oslash,            Oslash ] };
   key <AD06> { [         y,          Y,          ugrave,            Ugrave ] };
   key <AD07> { [         u,          U,      udiaeresis,        Udiaeresis ] };
   key <AD08> { [         i,          I,      idiaeresis,        Idiaeresis ] };
   key <AD09> { [         o,          O,      odiaeresis,        Odiaeresis ] };
   key <AD10> { [         p,          P,          ograve,            Ograve ] };
              // U203[9A]: single right/left-pointing angle quotation marks
   key <AD11> { [ bracketleft, braceleft,  guillemotleft,             U2039 ] };
   key <AD12> { [bracketright,braceright, guillemotright,             U203A ] };

   key <AC01> { [         a,          A,      adiaeresis,        Adiaeresis ] };
   key <AC02> { [         s,          S,          agrave,            Agrave ] };
   key <AC03> { [         d,          D,          eacute,            Eacute ] };
   key <AC04> { [         f,          F,     ecircumflex,       Ecircumflex ] };
   key <AC05> { [         g,          G,     icircumflex,       Icircumflex ] };
   key <AC06> { [         h,          H,     ucircumflex,       Ucircumflex ] };
   key <AC07> { [         j,          J,          uacute,            Uacute ] };
   key <AC08> { [         k,          K,          iacute,            Iacute ] };
   key <AC09> { [         l,          L,          oacute,            Oacute ] };
   key <AC10> { [ semicolon,      colon,     ocircumflex,       Ocircumflex ] };
   key <AC11> { [apostrophe,   quotedbl,      dead_acute,    dead_diaeresis ] };

   key <AB01> { [         z,          Z,          aacute,            Aacute ] };
   key <AB02> { [         x,          X,     acircumflex,       Acircumflex ] };
   key <AB03> { [         c,          C,        ccedilla,          Ccedilla ] };
   key <AB04> { [         v,          V,          atilde,            Atilde ] };
   key <AB05> { [         b,          B,          otilde,            Otilde ] };
   key <AB06> { [         n,          N,          ntilde,            Ntilde ] };
   key <AB07> { [         m,          M,          igrave,            Igrave ] };
   key <AB08> { [     comma,       less,    dead_cedilla,       dead_ogonek ] };
   key <AB09> { [    period,    greater,              oe,                OE ] };
   key <AB10> { [     slash,   question,    questiondown,       dead_stroke ] };
              //                             ij ligature        IJ ligature
   key <BKSL> { [ backslash,        bar,           U0133,             U0132 ] };

   include "level3(ralt_switch)"