3C-SCSU / Avatar

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Automate the EXECUTE button #83

Open 3C-SCSU opened 6 months ago

3C-SCSU commented 6 months ago

Using the Qt Creator / QML Python:

The feature should show that the new version of the program will let the user see that the call for [execute] happens, even if the user didn’t press the button, every time the status/value in the first button is updated, sending the result to execute one of the 6 mind instructions; if the thought doesn’t match any of the 6 thoughts, then [execute] is not call into action.


Current version of the Avatar GUI requires that:

  1. Live brain reading;
  2. Send it to identify the signal;
  3. After pattern recognition is found: show on GUI the result;
  4. to execute the brain waves mind control instruction to the drone to fly;

This ticket implementation is to automate the step number: 4; meaning steps 1 2 3 are execute; then step is no longer necessary, and the drone flies/executes automatically executing the mind instruction that was identified. Keep the current option to also call the execution manually.