Wang, X., Peng, Y., Lu, L., Lu, Z., Bagheri, M., Summers, R.M.: ChestX-ray8:
hospital-scale chest x-ray database and benchmarks on weakly-supervised classification
and localization of common thorax diseases. In: Proceedings of the IEEE
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 2097–2106 (2017)
ChestX-ray14. The training set contains 86k images while the validation set has 25k X-rays.
■以下を分類 atelectasis 肺拡張不全、無気肺 cardiomegaly 心(臓)肥大 effusion〔体液・血液などの〕浸出 infiltration 浸入、浸透、潜入、浸潤 mass〔物質が一体化した〕塊、まとまり nodule 《解剖》小(結)節 pneumonia《病理》肺炎 pneumothorax《医》気胸◆肺と胸壁の間にある胸腔内の空気が肺を圧迫して、痛みが起きたり、息が吸いにくくなったりする病気。
Wang, X., Peng, Y., Lu, L., Lu, Z., Bagheri, M., Summers, R.M.: ChestX-ray8: hospital-scale chest x-ray database and benchmarks on weakly-supervised classification and localization of common thorax diseases. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 2097–2106 (2017)