3DP-Tech / Ender-3-Max

Marlin configuration for Ender 3 Max with CR Touch/BL Touch.
MIT License
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Prints start to high #8

Open GuardianBoD opened 5 months ago

GuardianBoD commented 5 months ago

Hi I am Not that proficient with configuring my printer, so please excuse silly questions:) I downloaded the binary and updated my Ender 3 max with your Firmware. Since i installed a crtouch Auto leveling probe i needed a new one. So gar so good, and after a bit of Testing i Manager to complete the bed leveling.

But whenever i want to print something, the printer moves to the start and then lifts the nozzle 10mm up Before Printing Do you have advice in how to fix that? Is there a setting i overloooked ? Or should I use another firmware from your binary?

porrey commented 4 months ago

I have that programmed into the firmware.

define Z_AFTER_HOMING 10 // (mm) Height to move to after homing Z