3DStreet / 3dstreet

🚲🚢🚌 Web-based 3D visualization of streets using A-Frame
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outline on currently selected object is very thin 1px, try increasing (4px for example) #586

Open kfarr opened 1 year ago

kfarr commented 1 year ago

these cyan lines are very thin and hard to see on some screens image

see https://threejs.org/examples/?q=line#webgl_lines_fat

kfarr commented 8 months ago

From A-Frame Slack (link to thread)

Hello, everyone again. I have a question regarding Three.js addons. As far as I can tell the three.js version that aframe includes does not contain all the addons. If truly so how do I add further addons without creating conflicts between different versions of Three. specifically I'm looking for the LineGeometry addon used in the fat_lines example: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/webgl_lines_fat.html

vincentfretin Hi, indeed not all addons are included. What you can do is grab the addon file from the exact super-three version that is used by the aframe version you use, for example aframe 1.4.2 it's https://github.com/supermedium/three.js/tree/super-147-1

vincentfretin then modify the import by the THREE global, like we did for orbit-controls https://github.com/supermedium/superframe/blob/master/components/orbit-controls/lib/OrbitControls.js#L1-L5

vincentfretin Or if you use webpack, you can define an alias and external, relevant part here https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-cursor-teleport/blob/master/webpack.config.js#L14-L17 and here https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-cursor-teleport/blob/master/webpack.config.js#L31-L35

kfarr commented 1 week ago

unfortunately the fix in #638 to have thicker lines does not work on all devices

vincentfretin commented 1 week ago

Yes, it's not working on my iPad 2018 Safari.

vincentfretin commented 1 week ago

It's working on Ubuntu with nvidia driver.